Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 23:17:05 -0400 Subject: Re: Comics/Graphic Novels thank you Anne good to know you had the persistence to get thought the puzzles and didn't get bored with my games the kids love that place it is like northern ontario wilderness capsulated and close to civilization and so small it snugly fits inside the human brain Boundary Waters i don't know that place John Snow said that (commercial) galleries are like mushrooms they pop up when the weather is moist and disappear in the sun i really like little things like fungi stuff and cultures of all kinds we both suffer from an unfashionable interest in details, i guess Ann Klefstad wrote: > > > > > > > It is quite charming. I've always liked fungi myself. It looks like the > Boundary Waters, Barry. That's in our part of the woods. Have you been > there? > > Ann K > > --- from list --- --- from list ---
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