Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 11:20:56 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Giuliani has artist arrested at federal civil rights hearing (fwd) Giuliani orders artist/activist arrested outside Federal Civil Rights Commission Hearing as retaliation for crashing Mayor=92s birthday party the night before. [A first person account by Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T. (Artists=92 Response To Illegal State Tactics) (718) 369-2111 ] On 5/26/99 I was outside the Federal Civil Rights Commission hearings on NYPD civil rights abuses being held at the Doubletree Guests Suites Hotel at 47th St and Broadway. I=92d been there since 9 A.M. and had come to testify before the panel, had been pre-interviewed and was scheduled to speak at 7 PM. The police had set up a barricade/pen in the street outside the front of the hotel. Numerous demonstrators both with and without signs were milling around on the sidewalk or in the street, talking, drinking coffee or standing inside the pen. To my knowledge, none of the other demonstrators was threatened with arrest at any time regardless of where they were standing. At around 10:15 A.M. fellow A.R.T.I.S.T. member Knut Masco, Randy Credico, the activist/comedian who parodies Giuliani and I were standing on the sidewalk on the SE side of 47th Street. The Mayor=92s car was parked on the opposite side of the street. We were quietly talking and drinking coffee. I had two Giuliani portraits, the fronts of which were facing each other held between my knees and not visible while I drank coffee and talked. We were not at that time or in that location demonstrating in any fashion. Captain Heegan and Sgt. Negus approached us accompanied by three other uniformed police officers. The Captain immediately asked us each our names starting with me. As soon as we each told him our names he told us we had to get back into the holding pen around the corner or we=92d be immediately arrested. I explained to the Captain that we were merely talking among ourselves while drinking coffee on an almost empty sidewalk, were not at the time or in that location demonstrating and were doing nothing illegal. Captain Heegan then asked me if he, pointing to Randy Credico, was with me. It seemed like he was trying to acertain whether Credico was an accomplice in a =93crime=94. Captain Heegan then immediately ordered each of us to be arrested. I explained to the Captain that we were fully within our rights, that it would be a false arrest and that we did not have to leave. As they were preparing to handcuff us I said we=92d go back around the corner into the pen on Broadway, and led the others to do so. I did this not because I believed we were breaking any law but to avoid arrest so that I and the others would be able to testify before the Commission. As short time later I crossed 47th St. and stood on the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street from the hotel (the NE side of 47th). Captain Heegan and the other officers came and stood immediately in front of and around me. At no time while I was on that side of the street was I asked to leave or given any other directive by the police. After a few minutes Captain Heegan began shoving me in the chest forcefully pushing me along the sidewalk towards the corner. Giuliani and his staff then exited the hotel from a side entrance on the SE side of 47th. and began walking towards his car. They entered the car from the street, side not the sidewalk side I was on. I held up my sign. The Mayor looked right at it and at me and grinned. At no time was I closer than 25 feet from the Mayor. Most of the time I was about 50 feet away. Aside from myself and the police, there was no one else in that general area of sidewalk at that time. The Mayor=92s large 4x4 Chevy Suburban and the four or five police officers were between myself and the Mayor at all times. Captain Heegan tore the signs out of my hand and ordered me arrested. A female photographer with the Mayor shot at least one photo of the arrest. The Mayor=92s spokesperson, Sunny Mindel, called out to me a second before I was arrested, =93Hi Robert=94, and waved. Heegan told Sgt. Negus to voucher the two signs as arrest evidence. I asked the Captain what I=92d be charged with. He said Disorderly Conduct, Obstruction of Governmental Administration and Jaywalking because, =93you stepped off the curb=94. The only time I=92d stepped off the curb was when I crossed from the south to the north side of 47th Street. Immediately after I was handcuffed the police attempted to intimidate Knut Masco to get him to stop taking photos and also ordered him to turn off his tape recorder. They told me I=92d be going through the system because of the multiple charges. During the two and a half hours I was held in a cell numerous police officials conferred in and outside the holding room about my arrest. I was told the entire precinct was working on it. When they were not in the room they were often huddled right outside in plain view through a large window. During the processing a police officer told me that the NYPD legal department and D.A.=92s office were being conferred with on the arrest and that, =93even they think it=92s a bad arrest. They=92re not sure what to charge you with=94. After about an hour a plainclothes officer entered the room, sat down in front of my cell and introduced himself as Sgt. Casserly, badge number #4584 of the NYPD Intelligence Division. I made him write down the information before agreeing to talk to him because the City routinely denies I have an intelligence file or have ever talked to any NYPD intelligence officer. He questioned me about whether or not I intended to kill or harm Giuliani. This is the sixth time I=92ve been interviewed-interrogated by the Intelligence Division about my non-violent and totally lawful protest activities. At no time have I ever threatened the Mayor, tried to get close enough to touch him, made any gesture or said anything that would lead a reasonable person to think I intended him any physical harm. The ability to criticize an elected official without being arrested, intimidated or harmed is exactly what the First Amendment was intended to protect. I was later released and given back my two signs and was only charged with Disorderly Conduct. My case will be arraigned at #346 Broadway on June 30. This was my 37th arrest for protesting against the Mayor. I=92ve never been convicted, paid a fine or plea bargained. Only one case [1995] was ever brought to trial. I represented myself and was aquitted of all of the charges. The 5/26 arrest was an act of retaliation On the previous night, 5/25/99, I had crashed the Mayor=92s $1,000 a plate birthday party/fundraiser held at the Sheraton Hotel on 53rd Street and 7th Avenue. I believe that this latest arrest was ordered in retaliation for the previous night and that is why the police officials asked each of us our names before attempting to arrest us, something that has never happened to me previously or to anyone else I know. Initially I=92d had no intention of trying to get into the event because my face is so familiar to Giuliani=92s security staff, who=92ve arrested me a few times and talked to me on many occasions. By a series of amazing coincidences, as I approached each security checkpoint in the hotel where the party was being held the numerous undercover officers acting as guards were momentarily distracted and I was able to walk right past them unnoticed despite being the only person not wearing a suit and holding two large pieces of cardboard. I believe my getting access to the event caused the Mayor=92s staff and the police to get a lot of flak from him. Since no one questioned my being there, stopped me or asked me to produce an invitation, I believed it was perfectly OK to go inside. My intention was to present the Mayor with a =93Giuliani as Hitler=94 portrait as a birthday present to go with the hundreds he=92s had illegally confiscated. One of Giuliani=92s wealthy contributors told me she was amazed that someone as out-of-place looking as me could have gotten in. I was wearing a torn sweater, green sweat pants, white socks and sandals. After about 25 minutes inside the ballroom talking to media people and Giuliani supporters a number of security men and some of the Mayor=92s security staff approached me from various directions. First they made the media people that were talking to me leave the ballroom and prove their identities. Then they confiscated my signs and attempted to get me to voluntarily leave so as to avoid a scene. I negotiated with them for the next 15 minutes from a seat at a table in the ballroom and eventually agreed to leave if my signs were immediately returned. As soon as the signs were returned I stood and let them escort me to the door while holding the signs up for everyone to see and making a loud speech denouncing Mayor Giuliani. My statement was that no Republican who cared about the Constitution or this country would ever support, vote for or contribute money to a man that violates the Constitution every second he=92s in office; who is hated by the vast majority of New Yorkers; who trashes First Amendment rights and who is widely considered to be a racist. Governer Bush, who appeared to be waiting to be introduced to make a speech, was standing just three or four feet from me with his mouth hanging open and a look of incredulity as I spoke. The security people began complaining to me that I had attracted a few reporters who were listening and taking notes. After they escorted me outside I picketed the event, displayed my signs and made speeches about Giuliani in front of the hotel for the next two hours. I also engaged various recognizable Giuliani associates in private conversations about the Mayor as they left to go to their cars, walking with them and talking. They each appeared to be fully aware of who I was. In the course of the evening I spoke privately to Guy Molinari, Ray Harding, Paul Crotty and numerous Orthodox and Hassidic Jews who were at the event. A number of the Mayor=92s supporters cursed at me and tried to get the uniformed officers who were assigned to watch me outside the hotel to make an arrest. The Hassidic and Orthodox Jews I spoke to seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say, a few even agreeing and telling their friends, =93You see? What did I tell you about Giuliani?.=94 [The following is excerpted from pg. 12 NY Post 5/27/99 =93Rudy defends NYPD before federal panel on brutality=94 =93...Artist Robert Lederman, known for his posters depicting Giuliani as Hitler, told the commission he=92s been arrested 37 times without being tried. He said he=92s been harassed for his art, and that the arresting cops have admitted, =93they are just following orders=94.] Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T. (Artists=92 Response To Illegal State Tactics) (718) 369-2111 --- from list ---
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