File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1999/avant-garde.9909, message 11

Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 10:33:05 -0500
Subject: Time magazine meta-info,2960,30799-101990910,00.html

A photo-essay from East Timor; what is particularly striking is the
juxtaposition of Sports Illustrated swimsuit calendar ads with pictures
from the *scene of the crime* - but this is how it is in the western
collective unconscious - there is *us*, there is *them*; there is the
swimsuit model, there is the unidentified asian woman, standing in front of
her now-collapsed life.

Which would you choose?

Oh, come on, now - admit it!  Give me another donut, and change the
channel... the horror

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