Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:04:11 -0800 (PST) Subject: ... and then... dreams... 13) An elite diligently elaborating its own self-protecting etiquette... 14) imprisonment of the imagination by heightened self-consciousness... 15) ...each major change in structure is either preceded or rapidly followed by some revolution in language... 16) The greatest good is a free-floating, completed act, unattached to the needs of the public weal. And the greatest act is to kill or rob someone or, failing that, to rob public institutions. This devotion to self-interest defines the modern celebrity... 17) One practical effect of a popular mythology dominated by stars is that civilization finds it increasingly difficult to express and maintain any prolonged moral judgment. Only short-lived moral impulses seem possible... 18) This is an age of great conformity. The citizens are so completely locked inside their boxes of expertise that they are effectively excluded from open public debate. We have disguised this truth by redefining individualism as an agreeable devotion to style and personal emotions. We project ourselves, as if in a romantic dream, against a backdrop of martyred existential outsiders.. 19) ...the impulse to restore one's private meaning by acts of violence... 20) We are creating private dreams which compensate for the fracturing of the individual and the castration of his or her power in public life.. The_12hr-ISBN-JPEG_Project since 1994 <<<< + + + serial + + + eccentric + + + continuous + + + hypermodern + + + imagery > News:// / a.b.p.fine-art.misc > Mailing-list: / subscribe 12hr-isbn-jpeg > Reverse Solidus: { brad brace } <<<< >>>> ~finger for pgp --- from list ---
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