File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_2000/avant-garde.0001, message 13

Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 20:00:49 EST
Subject: NY Arts Magazine Newsletter for January 12

from NYArts Magazine     NEWSLETTER    for January 12, 2000

**Skin Deep: Recent Work by Jim Goss -AT-Jersey City Museum tel. 201 547 4514

**Mental Hygiene, Social Guidance Films 1945-1970 -AT- American Museum of the  
Moving Image tel. 1 718 784 0077

**Luis Gonzalez Palma, "Decade" -AT-Throckmorton Fine Art tel. 212 223 1059

**Ludwika Ogorzelec, slides presentation of her work (a discussion will 
follow  with the artist) -AT-Robert Pardo Gallery 7-8pm  tel. 212 242 8523

*** 12 to 12 Film & Video Marathon Sat., Jan 15,  12 pm to 12 am -AT- Art In 
     tel.212 2190473

**"Live from New York" a group exhibition curated by Kim Wauson with    works 
    by:Polly Apfelbaum, Karen Arm, Martha Benzing, Steven Charles,  Gary 
Gissler,    Sharon Louden, Maureen McQuillan, Ruth Pastine, Jonathan    
Seliger, James  Siena. January 11-February 19, 2000, opening reception:     
January 13th from 5:30- 7:30pm. Haines Gallery, 49 Geary Street, San    
Francisco, CA 94108 tel. 415.397-   8114.  e-mail:   or  click 
on to: Haines Gallery for more  information

***The Likeness of Being, Contemporary Self Portraits by sixth women curated 
by  Judith E. Stein -AT-DC Moore Gallery tel. 212 247 2111. See article in 
January     issue of NYArts Magazine by Rachel Yuens

***Dan Flavin, Alex Katz, Roger Newton, Gerhard Richter, Liz Rideal, Karin 
Sander,     Hirashi Sugimoto, Bing Wright -AT- Lucas Schoormans tel. 212 243 3159

***Betty Woodman, New work plus a glance toward the past -AT- Max Protetch 
    see Betty Woodman Pushes the Envelope by John Perreault in NYArts 

****The Builder Association & Diller +Scofidio, "Jet Lag", N.Y. Premiere 
    -AT- The Kitchen tel.212 255 5793

Openings: January 12th
    Sears Peyton (shawn dulaney) 6-8pm
    D.C. Moore Gallery (group) 6-8pm
    Throckmorton Fine Art  (Luis Gonzalez Palma) 6-8pm
    Jersey City Museum 5:30-7:30pm
    David Zwirner (Raymond Pettibon) 6-8pm
    SVA West Side Gallery 5-7
    Maxwell Davidson (Tim Prentice) 5:30-7:30pm

*of interest   **suggested   ***recommended    ****highly recommended

For more Info. go to

     --- from list ---


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