File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_2000/avant-garde.0001, message 15

Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 23:02:49 EST
Subject: NYArts Magazine Newsletter for Januar 13

from NYArts Magazine     NEWSLETTER    for January 13, 2000

***Sean Scully on Paper January 11-March 12 -AT- The Metropolitan Museum of Art

***Lee Konitz with the Axis String Quartet -AT- Knitting Factory

***Sergei Paradjanov's "The Color of Pomegranates -AT-Anthology Film Archives  
9:15pm tel. 212 505 5110

**"The death penalty for  adults is an abandonment of hope. The death penalty 
for     children is an expression of despair" Alex Kotlowitz from New Yorker 
article on  execution of youth. 1/17/00

****"Collaborative Mail Art" a group exhibition curated by Donna Payton
        75 artists from around the world. Thru January 18,
         Cork Gallery,  tel. 732.254-7611.  

**Matt Bakkom invites you to enter a 6'x4'x6' box and.......
    The Intimacy Machine -AT- Rare.  tel. 212 645 5591

**Mental Hygiene, Social Guidance Films 1945-1970 -AT- American Museum of the  
Moving Image tel. 1 718 784 0077

*** 12 to 12 Film & Video Marathon Sat., Jan 15,  12 pm to 12 am -AT- Art In 
     Tel.212 2190473

***The Likeness of Being, Contemporary Self Portraits by sixth women curated 
by  Judith E. Stein -AT-DC Moore Gallery tel. 212 247 2111. See article in 
January     issue of NYArts Magazine by Rachel Yuens

***Betty Woodman, New work plus a glance toward the past -AT- Max Protetch 
    see Betty Woodman Pushes the Envelope by John Perreault in NYArts 

****The Builder Association & Diller +Scofidio, "Jet Lag", N.Y. Premiere 
    -AT- The Kitchen tel.212 255 5793
        (Jan. 13) Tonight: Post performance discussion!

Openings: January 13th
    M-13/Howard Scott Gallery (Robert Thiele) 6-8
    SVA Eastside Gallery (Hein/Vapnek) 5-7
    Asyl Gallery (Edla Cusik) 6-9
    Clementine Gallery 6-8
    Jeffrey Coploff (Mary Jones) 6-8
    Rare 6-9
    Danese (David Hunter) 6-8
    Fischbach (Willard Dixon) 5-7
    MB Modern (Matsumi Kanemitsu)
    McKee Gallery (David Humphrey) 6-8
    James Graham & Sons 6-8
    John Gibson (Donald Lipski) 6-8
    Cheryl Pelavin Fine Art (Valentina DuBasky) 6-8
    -AT-304 ,art (Yesey Myles) 6-8
    Barbara Greene Fine Art 6-8
    Pearl Gallery (Kieran McGonnell) 6-9
    Michael Rosenfeld 6-8
    Mary Ryan 5-7
    Limelight ( Kerstin Roolfs) 8-10
    Rare (Matt Bakkom) 6-9
    Allan Stone (Ron Schwerin) first day    

*of interest   **suggested   ***recommended    ****highly recommended

For more Info. go to

     --- from list ---


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