Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 23:57:46 EST Subject: NYArts Magazine Newsletter for January 14 from NYArts Magazine NEWSLETTER for January 14, 2000 ***Eric Bentley discusses his book Bently on Brecht -AT-Barnes & Noble tel.727 4817 ***Cecily Brown -AT-Gagosian Gallery (soho). All about painting. 212 228 2828 ***Cathy Stone "Indications" -AT-Pierogi 2000 Black & white rubber sculpture and large scale drawings. tel. 1718 599 2144 **Red Hook Eight; Antonio Balzano, Melina Finkelstein, Richard Gins, Tone Johansen, David McKenzie, Richard Mock, Florence Neal and Margaret Neill -AT- Kentler International Drawing Space tel. 1 718 875 2098 **Special Viewing Event of Rodney Dickson Paintings at Cave. While you're there check out the artists "studio commune" in the back. Tel.1 718 388 6780 ***Sean Scully on Paper January 11-March 12 -AT- The Metropolitan Museum of Art *** 12 to 12 Film & Video Marathon Sat., Jan 15, 12 pm to 12 am -AT- Art In General Tel.212 2190473 ****The Builder Association & Diller +Scofidio, "Jet Lag", N.Y. Premiere -AT- The Kitchen tel.212 255 5793 Final weekend. A study in "Time madness." Openings: January 14th Kentler International Drawing Space 6-9 Cave 7-10 Dee/Glasoe (Christian Garnett) 6-8 Gallery 24 (Thomas Hager) 6-9 Pierogi 2000 (Cathy Stone) 6-8 Bingo Hall (Cathy Diamond) 6-8 George Billis Gallery 6-8 Gagosian 6-8 pm Nicole Klagsbrun 6-8pm Atelier International Art Group Inc. (Lisa Lyskava) 6-8 Blue Mountain Gallery (Margaret Leveson 5-8 Bowery Gallery (Greenberg) 5-8 55 Mercer (Christopher Blyth) 6-8 Prince Street Gallery (Pam Ervin) 5-8 Barbara Gladstone (Mario Merz) 6-8 Barbara Ann Levy Gallery (Robert Rohr) 5-7 John Weber Gallery 6-8 Associated American Artists (Tom Judd) 1st day Casey Kaplan (Jason Dodge) 6-8 Wessel & O'Connor 6-8 Scott Pfaffman (Charles Burns) 6-9 *of interest **suggested ***recommended ****highly recommended For more Info. go to --- from list ---
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