File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_2000/avant-garde.0001, message 27

Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 11:48:59 -0500
Subject: Re: NY Arts magazine Newsletter for January 20th, 2000

What the mag did was inspire me to think hard about
continuing with art, maybe chucking 50 years of what I
fancied was due for discovery any day now. A gold mine
of unbelievable masterpieces, tightly controlled by a
group of investors who had connections you wouldn't
believe unless you's sat at dinner parties where art 
markets are made between caviar and nuts.

The other day Caviar sent me yet another soothing
e-mail assuring me that it was too early for the breakout,
said another $50 bucks had been deposited into
my kids' piggybank, to not give up the factory job
just yet, photo ops there, another crippling injury
would be very much appreciated, something toxic
underming the lungs, hacking cough, eye sty,
gnarled hands -- Serra's too pretty, he cackled.

Nuts came roaring over to the studio that night with
absinthe and stoogies, insisted we get up, the whole
family, and listen to her rote for the 100th time what 
she thought of the lying directors ("assholes," she's not
very bright) at the Brooklyn and the Met -- and
pissing blood about what happened at the Soros' New
Year bacchanale.

She dished us a rubber check, her Kiki Smith shitty art tail.
We got a thousand of them on a wall hanging, come to
something over $1M if, if and when, Boggs gets
over-exposed -- not a chance in hell of that.

I love art, you bet, the family thinks it's the worst thing
ever happened.

At 10:44 AM 1/20/00 -0600, you wrote:
>I agree - this list's strength is it's
> s         i         l        e       n        c       e    .   .    .    .
>(Besides, you guys don't want me to start posting a *Winnipeg* Arts daily
>magazine, do you...   ;->  )
>At 12:19 PM -0000 1/20/00, Heiko Recktenwald wrote:
>>Has there ever been some kind of consensus, that this Whytsupinnyc thing,
>>dayly, is ok ? I think it kills this list.  Heiko
>>On Wed, 19 Jan 2000 wrote:
>>> from NYArts Magazine     NEWSLETTER    for January 20,  2000
>>     --- from list ---
>     --- from list ---

     --- from list ---


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