File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_2000/avant-garde.0001, message 3

Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 07:54:19 EST
Subject: Newsletter for January 4

from NYArts Magazine
   for January 4, 2000

**128 Gallery Rivington St. "Rewind /Fast Forward" Krystyna Jachniewicz, 
Krzystof    Zarebski, Kazuko Miyamoto, Sol Lewitt

***Masterpieces of Surrealism Symposium to be held at the Dali Museum on 
January     29, 2000  tel.727.823.3767

*Guggenheim planning new museum on site in Wall Street area instead of the 
West    Side.

**NYArts January issue is now available. Includes: Franks Stella exhibit 
-AT-Museum     of Contemporary Art, Miami; Contemporary Self Portraits by 60 
Women -AT- D.C.    Moore; Surrealism In America; Amnesia -AT- the Bronx Museum; 
Serra's     Switch+Drawings by Robert C. Morgan; Betty Woodman Pushes the 
Envelope by     John Perreault and over 50 more reviews.

*DFN Gallery presents John Sims, artist lecture: Thursday, Jan. 6 -AT-7pm.

**EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT, A neon artwork in Times Square for the     
turn of the Millennium by artist Martin Creed. On view from through January 
31,     2000

***Diller+Scofidio Pageant -AT- Kitchen tel. 255 5793


Openings: January 4th

*of interest   **suggested   ***recommended    ****highly recommended

For more Info. go to

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