File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_2000/avant-garde.0001, message 33

Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 06:48:26 -0600 (CST)
Subject: We all win! indeed...

Boy oh, boy - all the beautiful people in the world, and then there's this

(from,2960,37844-101000121,00.html )

Why U.N. Got an Earful From Jesse Helms

Ambassador Holbrooke takes a troubled relationship by the horns by bringing
in the organization's fiercest critic

Call off the black helicopters, Kofi, and we can talk.  Arch-conservative
U.S. senator Jesse Helms on Thursday took his grievances with the United
Nations right into the belly of the beast, when he became the first
legislator from any country ever to address the Security Council.  And
although he warned the U.N. against trying to "impose its utopian vision"
onto the U.S., the meeting may have marked the beginnings of a
rapprochement between the international body and congressional Republicans.
(Following his "warning," the French ambassador gently suggested that
Senator Helms consider the fact that the U.N. was in no sense an
independent actor, and simply represented the sum of its member states.)
International diplomats may have been inclined to bite their tongues
through Helms's speech, because the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
chairman effectively controls the U.N. purse strings - the Clinton
administration was unable to pay its billion-dollar backlog of unpaid dues
to the international body without striking a deal with Helms...

Why do we put up with it?


(<overheard in the bar> oh, give him a break he's just another *artist*,
trying to make a buck...   ;->  )

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