File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_2000/avant-garde.0001, message 35

Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 20:30:34 +0100
Subject: Re: NY Arts magazine Newsletter for January 20th, 2000


Bill Spornitz wrote:

> I agree - this list's strength is it's
> perfect
>  s         i         l        e       n        c       e    .   .    .    .

Well, others, the second wind, are mixing serbian secret service and Soros, do
you want this noise ??

> b
> (Besides, you guys don't want me to start posting a *Winnipeg* Arts daily
> magazine, do you...   ;->  )

Dayly could be to much, anyway, I wouldnt mind because its from you and I am
shure you know Winnipeg better, whats important or not, than some others know
the bigger city.

Btw, had some conversation with somebody from an artscool in california, are
they really all so Walt Disney like there ? MMMMaybe it was just the youth of
Hype, hype. hype........


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