Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 23:53:54 +0100 (CET) Subject: Re: So there is some kind of life here Hate to say it, but what are you speaking about ? > Frankly, (new-yorkly), that's what's so scary... Will mailing-lists in the > near-AOL-TW-future consist only of moderated Artworld-TV-guides? I have no AOL account, you have no AOL account, so what ? And I have nothing against NYC btw, I just dont live there. (And I have never been there.) But there seem to be the same kind of entrepreneurs there that are also activ in Berlin. Times are changing, email is cheap, and they try it. I did something on SPAM at, well, this stuff is more or less decoration of a anonymous telnet account, that works until now only in my LAN, remote painting. Playing with HTML..., Tilman Baumgaertel, who tried to write a history of electronic art or internet art wrote something about timefactor in what he calls "net art" (with dots, I forgot where). Time and HTML, to use bgcolor AND background gif, you can see it. Heiko --- from list ---
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