Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 18:44:55 -0500 Subject: Uconn.'s C.V.A.&C Spring Schedule UConn. Center for Visual Art and Culture's Atrium Gallery PRESS RELEASE PRESS RELEASE Mathew McCaslin -- Mixed Metaphors Jan 27 - Feb. 18, 2000 at the Atrium Gallery Mon-Fri ,8:30 Am to 4:30 PM Slide Lecture by the Artist and Reception Feb 8 th at 4:30 PM, Rm 106 of the Art Building , 875 Coventry Rd. Storrs,Conn. MATTHEW McCASLIN'S Mixed Metaphors The Center for Visual Art and Culture is proud to present the work of Matthew McCaslin who is internationally known for his sculptures and installations incorporating industrial materials electronic equipment and video. McCaslin employs a lexicon of electric outlets, labyrinths of cables and conduit, safety lights, clocks, fans, radios, and other everyday appliances. His works operates specifically in the expanded context of the psychological, social and architectural landscape, by literally and metaphorically invoking the technological mediation of our everyday lives and experiences. In 1998 and 1999 a large exhibition traveled to museums in Switzerland, Germany and California, accompanied by a catalogue, Works - Sites, which serves as a comprehensive mid-career documentation. The Atrium Gallery is located in the Art's Building , 875 Coventry Rd. Storrs, Conn. For further infomation contact Saul Ostrow (Director of CVA&C) Tele. (860) 486-1511 Upcoming Exhibitions >February 24 - March 17 Opening Reception Feb. 29 >Jessica Stockholder - Photography, Etc. Whether working in photogrphy or assemblage Jessica Stockholder workss are defined by the inherent qualities of her materials and are ordered by the physical and visual relationship of one to another. These works premised on the viewer's ability to turn the experience of surface, mass, scale, color, form, etc. into information, consitute which constitute enigmatic events are .This exhibition organized by Stuart Horodner of Bucknell University is the first to focus on Stockholder's use of photography. >March 30 - April 21 Opening Reception April 4 Jackie Ferrara: Abstract Structures/Timeless Forms Jackie Ferrara work since the 1970's has been viewed as humanizing some of th cooler excesses of Minimal Art. Ferrara's wood sculpture of imaginary architectual spaces gesture toward a hard won harmony. This exhibition includes working drawings, models for both sculptures and public commisions as well as photographs of recently finsihed architectual projects. >April 27 - May 12 >Scholarship Show --- from list ---
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