File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_2000/avant-garde.0001, message 6

Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 23:55:31 EST
Subject: Newsletter for January 5

from NYArts Magazine
   for January 5, 2000

**ALIGHIERO e BOETTI, Masterworks on Paper 1967-1984 and related images by  
Elisabetta Catalano, Gianfranco Gorgoni and Paolo Mussat Sartor has been    
extended through Feb. 5,   tel. 212 714 8192

*The Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art (Kansas City, Mo.) was notified that a 
    collection of paintings, displayed over the years as notable works by 
American    artist Geogia O'Keeffe, have been declared fakes.

*** "Double Space" -AT- Apex Art, Curated by A.S. Bessa, includes L. A. 
Angelmaker,     Devon Dikeou, Kenneth Goldsmith, Jorge Pardo, Alain Resnais, 
Alain Robbe-    Grillet, Fred Sandback, Carolee Schneemann and Lily van der 
Stokker.  tel. 212  431 5270

***Berlin Metropolis: Jews And The New Culture, 1890-1918 through April 23,     

**128 Gallery Rivington St. "Rewind /Fast Forward" Krystyna Jachniewicz, 
Krzystof    Zarebski, Kazuko Miyamoto, Sol Lewitt

***Masterpieces of Surrealism Symposium to be held at the Dali Museum on 
January     29, 2000  tel.727.823.3767

**EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT, A neon artwork in Times Square for the     
turn of the Millennium by artist Martin Creed. On view from through January 
31,     2000

Openings: January 5th
    Apex Art Curatorial Program 6-8pm
    Jack Tilton 6-8
    Marunouchi Gallery 5-8pm
    128 Gallery 6-8pm

*of interest   **suggested   ***recommended    ****highly recommended

For more Info. go to

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