Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2000 09:22:01 -0600 Subject: Re: Flash Pome barry & others: if you are interested in showing your media work to a wide group of web artists check out the webartery list, details below. mIEKAL This list focusses on discussions of Web art or Net art, which involves a synthesis of previously often separate arts: writing, recorded sound, visual work, etc. It also can involve programming. The broad goal of the list is to participate in a thinking through/out of poetics of Web art. In other words, the discussions focus on the practice and theory of Web art as it arises. Part of the thrill of the art is in the synthesis, so artists of various backgrounds, critics too, are encouraged to participate. Most messages will be publicly archived, though I reserve the right to delete archived messages toward a more interestingly readable archive. When you subscribe, you will receive an email message with more details. Please bookmark this page if you intend to subscribe, should you wish to unsubscribe at a future point or wish to view the archive. Regards, Jim Andrews Community email addresses: Post message: Subscribe: Unsubscribe: List owner: Shortcut URL to this page: Barry Smylie wrote: > Barry Smylie and Alan Sondheim > invite you to > eye, ear, and click touch: > > > > --- from list --- --- from list ---
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