File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_2000/avant-garde.0003, message 41

Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 08:16:44 -0500
Subject: Re: Re ;-)

Oh John what a failure it is when one has neither an original thought nor
the means to express them  -- in this you seem quite the success. Such
invectives as yours went out with the Edsel.  The failed artists of the
fifties spewed forth this crap and made it sound like poetry compared to
your mouthings. Love you anyway for if nothing else your consistent and you
know what they say about consistency -- its the sign of small mindedness
>This aptly describes the failure of parasites of artists -- critics, scholars,
>curators, dealers, auctioneers, investors, patrons -- groupies of a
>certain over-vaunted critical ability to see and evaluate the hard
>and risky work of artists, that is to devaluate it for covert purposes,
>that is to plaigarize, dissumlate, distort, repackage, mischaracterize,
>aw hell, actually to steal art form its creators and call it Art, the
>the Construct, the History, the Theory, the Racket, the Market, the
>Ravage of Savages unable to understand and thus only envy what
>artitsts do. No doubt Saul's deep misunderstanding of art is itself
>an art of frustration, and in that way I can appreciate his best stuff
>even when he cannot get the description of it correct. So, yeah,
>Saul is an artist, too, poor bastard, and nobody gets what he's
>creating in his heart and mind, concealed as it is in all artists
>by the products they proffer in lieu of the genuine stuff. Shit,
>no artist is worth a queen's fart at public presentation, and thus must
>suffer the professional art-hustling assholes who shower the world
>with vulgar misrepresentations called "shows." Who the fuck first
>dreamed up a show of art? Whoever that was, was the first in
>line in an endless stream of art enemies of commentators, critics,
>dealers, investors, and so on.
>Yeah, yeah, even the enemies in their own bizarre fashion
>occasionally wreak art in their blundering, or as Brad aptly
>says, by failure. Then they get it on, and know what it's like
>to be trashed for the right reasons. One of which is the irresistable
>desire of artists, anybody, to get public appreciation, any
>appreciation, and have no way out of the trap set by god's
>joke of creating way too many human kotsches wanting
>to be the supreme one's inheritor, and being too stupid
>to grasp that it's all in the imagination, the whole damn
>mess, the inability to be, not make, not do, not accomplish
>What is nice about hidden art, never getting out of
>imagination, is it is always a success, pure masterpiece
>theater. You let it out, it's doomed to failure. Artists let
>theirs out, the others connoisseur theirs.
>     --- from list ---

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