File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_2000/avant-garde.0004, message 49

Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 10:22:31 -0500
From: Bill Spornitz <>
Subject: Re: Digitalisation of things.

As a 20+ year veteran of the music *industry* I'll tell you => it's 
all marketing. Ever heard of Evan Parker (British saxophonist - quite 
outside at times)? Sun Rah? Well, that's marketing.  How else would 
you have heard of them?

You are a *25yr old post-modern*, an improvisor? - that's marketing...


At 11:48 PM +1000 4/11/00, Christian McBride wrote:
>***Warning sujective analogy following***
>what happened to improvising?
>why is an 'avant-guard' list concerned with marketing?
>why doesnt '.com' mean :technology is soo
>overated. by cultural theorists and those out for a quick dollar.
>technology is not an end in itself and i remain bored (in the i'm a 25yr
>old post-modern way) with everything i see online.
>i have studied my instrument for 12 yrs and have no career in
>recording...for me this is secondary to performance with an audience and
>improvising with other people/machines etc.  the recording process is
>interesting for me for the period i am involved in it.
>At 09:19 11/04/00 -0700, wrote:
>>>>>  Music, hmmm, you can still sell things, CDs, books. My advice to the
>>recording industry: make your CDs more beautifull. As a thing, that
>>people want to have, even when the copy sounds the same.
>>The music has been connected with an object, with a sleeve, photos of
>>celebs, cool design. We will maybe find out now how important that is.
>>As the ease of copying and fidelity of the copy increase, there's a
>>threshold, no? a point where there will be a disturbance in a very old
>>business model.
>>Ed A
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