File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_2001/avant-garde.0101, message 11

Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 10:31:35 -0500
Subject: Syndicate: Professional Standards in Curatorial Practice,

>X-Authentication-Warning: mdomo set sender to owner-syndicate
>using -f
>Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 15:38:50 +0100
>From: Inke Arns <>
>Subject: Syndicate: Professional Standards in Curatorial Practice,
>Belgrade 15-21
>  April
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Precedence: bulk
>From: "zoran eric" <ericz-AT-EUnet.yu>
>Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 17:17:15 +0100
>Dear Syndicalists,
>We are sending you information on the Seminar under the title: Professional
>Standards in Curatorial Practice to be held in Belgrade 15-21 April 2001.
>Purpose of the seminar is professionalisation of young curators and
>cultural managers, and development of regional co-operation in the field of
>visual art.
>Here are the basic data for the interested parties:
>Armaly Fareed (Kuenstlerhaus Stuttgart, director, USA /Germany)
>Brouwer Marianne (Free-lance curator, Holland)
>Dragicevic-Sesic, Milena (University of Arts Belgrade, rector, Yugoslavia)
>Requirements for applicants:
>Fluency in English
>Experience in curatorial work and cultural management
>BA in Art History or related fields
>Not more than 35 years of age
>Eligible countries for application:
>Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
>Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,
>Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Fed. Rep. of Russia, Slovakia,
>Slovenia, Ukraine and Yugoslavia.
>Conditions for participation:
>Participation will be free of charge.
>Participants will be provided with accommodation in a Hotel on a half board
>Travel costs should be covered by the participants themselves. The
>organizers will assist the participants in applying for sponsorship
>concerning the travel costs.
>Concept and organization:
>Eric Zoran & Vukovic Stevan
>Host Institution:
>Association of Art Historians of Serbia
>Address: Bozidara Adzije 11
>11000 Belgrade
>Applications should be sent by e-mail only to the following address:
>Deadline for applications in the 1st of February 2001
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