Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 23:47:05 -0500 Subject: digital video and other new media inquiry >x-sender: >Mime-Version: 1.0 >Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 16:37:23 -0500 >Reply-To: Experimental Film Discussion List <FRAMEWORKS-AT-LISTSERV.AOL.COM> >Sender: Experimental Film Discussion List <FRAMEWORKS-AT-LISTSERV.AOL.COM> >From: programming <programming-AT-CHICAGOFILMMAKERS.ORG> >Subject: digital video and other new media inquiry >To: FRAMEWORKS-AT-LISTSERV.AOL.COM > >Greetings All, > >I am looking for suggestions and recommendations (as specific as >possible) of digital video pieces and other works utilizing any aspects >of "new technology" (internet-based works, interesting works using >non-linear editing systems, CD-ROMs, etc.) for a two-day event we are >doing in conjunction with Columbia College. > >I am looking for specific works and/or names of artists who you feel are >exploring the particularities of their medium in especially successful >ways. > >Any/all recommendations you may have, from the great unknowns to those >with "star" power are welcome. If you have specific contact information >that is even more welcome! > >Please feel free to contact me off-list (especially if providing contact >information) or on-list if you feel that it may be of general interest to >all. > >Best, > >Patrick Friel >Program Director >Chicago Filmmakers > >******************************** >ADDRESS/PHONE/FAX > >Chicago Filmmakers >5243 N. Clark St., 2nd Fl. >Chicago, IL 60640 > > > >(773) 293-1447 phone >(773) 293-0575 fax > > >__________________________________________________________________ >For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <>. > --- from list ---
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