File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_2001/avant-garde.0101, message 18

Subject: call
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 23:28:53 +0100

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Hi there,

I'm writing you this message, because I'd
like to ask you to anounce the call for participation in
one sound project.
(if it's possible for you).
I hope you are able to resend this call
to some personsmwho could be interested in it..

I am comisioned to make elektro-acoustic
project for radio program.Which will be broadcasted in April.

It will be music for tape and wind instruments quartet.
The tape of the composition will be formed of various
souds which I collected from people from different countries.
This "multicultural" collage will be as acompany for
live band.

I search for people who are interested in taking part in this
project.Participants would send a cassete or cd of their special
souds and I'd find a place for them in the composition.
Sounds could be any kind you like.It is to your choice
what material should be recorded and what its' duration
should be acctually.
There is no deadline, but it would be better to
get your sounds to the begining of the March.

All participants will get the final version on CD when it'll
be performed.

For closer definition write to

If you don't have any questions
and looking to participate, then here's
my mailing address:

Arturas Bumsteinas

Thank you for your time.

sincerely yours,

Arturas Bumsteinas
.3B ensemble.


Hi there,
I'm writing you this message, because I'd
like to ask you to anounce the call for participation in
one sound project.
(if it's possible for you).
I hope you are able to resend this call
to some personsmwho could be interested in it..
I am comisioned to make elektro-acoustic
project for radio program.Which will be broadcasted in April.
It will be music for tape and wind instruments quartet.
The tape of the composition will be formed of various
souds which I collected from people from different countries.
This "multicultural" collage will be as acompany for
live band.
I search for people who are interested in taking part in this
project.Participants would send a cassete or cd of their special
souds and I'd find a place for them in the composition.
Sounds could be any kind you like.It is to your choice
what material should be recorded and what its' duration
should be acctually.
There is no deadline, but it would be better to
get your sounds to the begining of the March.
All participants will get the final version on CD when it'll
be performed.
For closer definition write to
If you don't have any questions
and looking to participate, then here's
my mailing address:
Arturas Bumsteinas
Thank you for your time.
sincerely yours,
Arturas Bumsteinas
.3B ensemble.
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