Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 16:57:58 +0100 (CET) Subject: High Court Rebuffs Professors' Challenge to a Virginia Law on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 High Court Rebuffs Professors' Challenge to a Virginia Law on Internet Use By ANDREA L. FOSTER The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to take up a challenge to a Virginia law that bars state employees from viewing sexually explicit material over the Internet using state-owned computers. Six professors had asked the court to consider the case, arguing that the law violated professors' academic freedom. The court's announcement leaves standing the June 23 ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, in Richmond, which upheld the Virginia law. The state argues that the law prevents employees from wasting time and from creating sexually hostile workplaces. The appeals court's decision attracted attention in part because it held that academic freedom rests with the institution, not with individual professors. The lead lawyer for the professors, Marjorie Heins, called the court's decision an "appalling" affront to academic freedom, "which is a fundamental component of First Amendment free expression." Courts have typically allowed professors total freedom in research and writing, Ms. Heins added. "This is a case in which the state is intervening not only in the intellectual work of professors, but in the way public universities organize their intellectual life." The lead plaintiff in the case was Melvin I. Urofsky, a constitutional historian at Virginia Commonwealth University. Represented by the American Civil Liberties Union and supported by the American Association of University Professors, he said he questioned the Virginia law after he was unable to assign an Internet research project to his students. He wanted them to find out how easy it was to access sexually explicit material over the Internet so they could judge for themselves whether the Communications Decency Act was necessary, he said. Mr. Urofsky said he does not expect the court's decision to impede the work of professors since Virginia colleges, including Virginia Commonwealth, are largely ignoring the law in question. Under the law, state employees can view sexual material on work computers only with prior approval from supervisors. Furthermore, legal experts say the reach of the Virginia law has been shortened since the Virginia General Assembly amended it to more narrowly define "sexually explicit content" as "lascivious" descriptions or pictures. The issue now, say professors, is no longer the statute but what they view as the Fourth Circuit's onerous and aberrant interpretation of academic freedom. In addition to arguing that individual professors are not granted academic freedom, the court said that professors' right to speak on matters of public concern did not include speaking about their employment. "Looking ahead, we need to reeducate those judges who seemed so unsympathetic to academic-freedom concerns," said Robert O'Neil, a law professor at the University of Virginia who is director of the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression. The Charlottesville-based group and the A.A.U.P. jointly filed a brief before the Supreme Court in support of the professors. David Rabban, general counsel of the A.A.U.P., said: "I would hope that in the future, Fourth Circuit decisions would recognize individual academic freedom, and that speech by employees on matters of their employment could be of public concern." _________________________________________________________________ Chronicle subscribers can read this article on the Web at this address: If you would like to have complete access to The Chronicle's Web site, a special subscription offer can be found at: Use the code D00CM when ordering. _________________________________________________________________ You may visit The Chronicle as follows: * via the World-Wide Web, at * via telnet at _________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2001 by The Chronicle of Higher Education --- from list ---
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