File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_2002/avant-garde.0201, message 36

Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 20:33:01 +0100 (CET)
Subject: <nettime> NYPD denies cryptome press cred, asks about WEF (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 13:08:34 -0000
From: nettime's_roving_reporter <>
Subject: <nettime> NYPD denies cryptome press cred, asks about WEF

     [via <>]


   30 January 2002

   Cryptome applied to the New York Police Department on January 14 for
   New York City press credentials, using a form provided on the NYPD Web
   site. We described ourselves as a "Web publisher."

   Yesterday we were told that we did not meet requirements for press
   credentials because we could not provide letters of reference from
   previous press employers. And that our self-employment for 30 years
   and operating Cryptome for six years were not sufficient. We have
   today sent an e-mail appeal of the decision to Commissioner Raymond
   Kelly (below).

   New York City thrives on intense, redundant, fatuous press coverage
   and is the home of the world's greatest collection of vainglorious
   attention seekers, media companies, journalists, and publicity
   promoters. To be refused press credentials here must be a singular
   honor or a sign of city's obsession with maintaining its allure for
   attackers of its own exclusive clubby press manufacture. What other
   police department would hire a former Marine general and a CIA head of
   espionage to pimp its desirability with press-terrorism-drunk
   Washington DC except a new Commish just back from poppy farming
   national security?

   Press credentials are issued by the NYPD Deputy Commissioner for
   Public Information (DCPI), an office headed most often by a journalist
   not a professional police officer. (Issuing of press credentials
   worldwide are always overseen by "press police," those who either work
   for the authorities or operate unofficial press credentialing bodies.)
   The DCPI web site flashes that it accepts applications 24 hours a day
   7 days a week.

   The credentials application includes a section for "new media" and
   asks for material supporting that category, which was provided by
   printouts from Cryptome.

   We were questioned during two phone calls with the DCPI office about
   whether the application was being made in connection with the World
   Economic Forum (Davos) being held in NYC. We said no, that the press
   credentials were needed to cover New York events in general which were
   not accessible to citizens. We cited news of WTC as an example of our
   recent coverage. (A New York Times photographer was arrested at the
   WTC site for using a friend's press pass because his own had lapsed.
   It is impossible to get permission to visit the site without press

   Questions the denial of Cryptome's application raises:

   1. Was the denial caused by Cryptome's publishing policy statement:

     Cryptome welcomes documents for publication that are prohibited by
     governments worldwide, in particular material on freedom of
     expression, privacy, cryptology, dual-use technologies, national
     security and intelligence -- open, secret and classified documents
     -- but not limited to those.

   2. Is the NYPD and other authorities so fearful of press imposters
   during the World Economic Conference that they are excluding novel
   means of news coverage?

   3. What role in press credentialling is being played by the ex-CIA
   director of espionage, David Cohen, newly hired by the NYPD as Deputy
   Commissioner for Intelligence?

   4. Are old-line journalists such as DCPIs covertly excluding
   non-traditional, new media from getting press credentials -- as often
   rumored throughout the profession but publically denied?

   5. What option is available for press credentialling of new media
   practitioners who have no background in the legacy press, not just in
   NYC but in general around the globe?

   6. What role do governmental and intelligence agencies play, covertly
   or openly, in press credentialing, especially since 9/11?

   7. How do authorities handle persons covering the news who have been
   denied press credentials?

   Thank You For Filling Out This Form
   Shown below is your submission to on Wednesday, January 30,
   2002 at 11:13:55
   This form resides at

   Name of Fields Data
   Message Type: Complaint
   Topic: Other
   Contact Info: Yes
   M/M: Mr.
   First Name: John
   Last Name: Young
   Street Address: 251 West 89th Street
   City: New York
   State: NY
   Postal Code: 10024
   Country: United States
   Work Phone #: 212-873-8700
   Email Address:
   Message: Dear Commissioner Kelly, Yesterday I was denied press
   credentials by the DCPI office on what I think are unwarranted
   grounds. Application was made on January 14 as a new media publisher.
   I would appreciate your help in obtaining the credentials. Thank you
   very much, John Young

   Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 13:59:37 -0500
   Dear John Young:

   Thank you for using to submit your message.  Your message has
   been forwarded to the appropriate Agency for review and handling.

   For future reference, your Correspondence Number is 1-471822.


   The City of New York


   Comments welcome. Send to:

   30 January 2002
  hi John. had a conversation about a month ago in which
  i thought of cryptome, as i was speaking with a phd candidate
  for media law and ethics, and got into the description of how
  the traditional news orgs differentiate themselves from the
  new media peoples.

  the main point seemed to be around the definition of publisher,
  that is, if one just forwards someone else's news, or if they
  add a new dimension to a piece, and make it there own. i think
  cryptome definitely does both, with links and with content that
  is direct and interactive journalism.

  there is very little out in the open from what i've heard about
  what makes one a journalist (besides the official document/
  press pass). and i think the legal grounds are very shakey, in
  that they are out of whack with where things are at. thus, it
  appears to be personal discretion almost, so it seems, and then
  the issue that one needs the press pass to get the 'free speech'
  credentials, else, to put it in words of the person i spoke with,
  you do not have your individual rights protected when writing.

  just some thoughts.

   Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 13:35:59 -0500 (EST)
   From: i

   Here's a complaint I've just sent to the NYPD Commissioner's office
   via that URL you referenced...


   I've just read an article at about their journalists
   being denied press passes by the NYPD.  Being from Michigan, I depend
   on independent news sources such as that site both professionally and
   as an American citizen.  Please look into this matter and help ensure
   that journalists are given reasonable access to the sorts of
   information controlled by public servants such as the NYPD.

   Thank you.



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