File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_2002/avant-garde.0206, message 11

Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 11:54:02 +1000
Subject: Call for papers

CALL FOR PAPERS for the refereed journal Australian and New Zealand Journal
of Art.
Special Issue on "Indigenous Art of Australia, New Zealand and the South
Pacific: Contemporary Debates"

This issue will focus on contemporary cultural and political debates about
Indigenous Art in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. We are
calling for papers which address these debates. Questions that might be
addressed include: Has postcolonial theory transformed this area of
scholarship? What impact has postcolonial theory had upon historical
studies in the region? What is the current fate of the concept of
hybridity? What are the potential roles of new museums being built in the
South Pacific?

Manuscripts should be double spaced throughout, including endnotes and
block quotations. The preferred form of submission is an electronic copy
sent via email attachment in Microsoft Word.
Word Length: 5,000 words. Full style guide will be available shortly on our
web-site. Email for a copy in the meantime

due date: 30 September 2002


Out now: special double issue 2.2/3.1 on "Affect and Sensation" featuring
essays by Leo Bersani, Ernst van Alphen and Geoffrey Batchen

>Dear Susan Best,
>You sent the attached announcement to the Spoon Collective for posting.
>However, the announcement does not contain any details about the nature of
>the desired submissions or their format.  This is somewhat unusual.  Is it
>by design or by error?
>-malgosia, for the spoon collective
>Remote host:
>Remote IP address:

Dr Susan Best
Senior Lecturer/ Hons co-ordinator
School of Art History and Theory
College of Fine Arts
University of New South Wales
PO Box 259
Paddington  NSW 2021
ph 61 2 9385 0751
fax 61 2 9385 0615

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