File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_2003/avant-garde.0306, message 1

Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2003 00:30:36 -0500
Subject: new toy

Not all of you will like this, but I know some of you will love this:

Yes, it's Java; but if you have a little bit of programmer in you 
Java is quite well suited.

Remember, Object Oriented:

Objects are models of things...

These models have specific qualities; this is analagous to 
*attributes* in the Object Oriented World...

These models have behaviors that come up in the Object's methods (subroutines)

All these objects interact in a framework of Event Handlers...



Not all of you will like this, but I know some of you will love this:

Yes, it's Java; but if you have a little bit of programmer in you Java is quite well suited.

Remember, Object Oriented:

Objects are models of things...

These models have specific qualities; this is analagous to *attributes* in the Object Oriented World...

These models have behaviors that come up in the Object's methods (subroutines)

All these objects interact in a framework of Event Handlers...

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