File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_2003/avant-garde.0306, message 3

Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 19:48:57 -0500
Subject: sorry for the cross posting


I can tell you this:  I've spent many years on the edge of science. 
 From the edge you can see the Center, but,<- the good thing is->, you 
don't feel the attraction of the vectors that draw you to the center. 
It is the attraction of the vectors....

Canada is going through an episode with Bovine Spungiform 
Encephalopathy or some such; the Cash Border is closed to beef and 
the people are whining because they can't have their cows ground up 
and fed to the americans.

There's a lot of disease in the news these days. From Anthrax to West 
Nile virus to Big-Dick Multi-Militarism; the rock-clinging monkeys' 
days are awash with dis-ease and dis-order. (Yes, most of it 
self-inflicted) of global scope and scale.

As I said, I'm at the fringe of this science culture looking in and, 
right at this moment, this is what I see: I see a question;   to whit:

     If there's only one sick cow in Canada, can it really be called a disease?

Okay. I know about pandemic annihilation; my subconscious is adrift 
in readily available Technicolor(tm),  but I also know that if only 
one cow is sick; there's only one of them.  (What I'm not too sure 
about is this: when you have nothing, do you only have one of them? 
If so, please call it the Spornitz transform: 0=1 or some such.) 
Maybe it's a (commonly heard) False Positive.

You get my drift? Two Weapons of Mass Destruction. One Sick Cow. 
Twenty three people sick with something so hideous, the call it SARS. 
About four million Africans dead from (pick one)Aids, War, Famine..

It's kind of embarrassing.




I can tell you this:  I've spent many years on the edge of science.  From the edge you can see the Center, but,<- the good thing is->, you don't feel the attraction of the vectors that draw you to the center. It is the attraction of the vectors....

Canada is going through an episode with Bovine Spungiform Encephalopathy or some such; the Cash Border is closed to beef and the people are whining because they can't have their cows ground up and fed to the americans.

There's a lot of disease in the news these days. From Anthrax to West Nile virus to Big-Dick Multi-Militarism; the rock-clinging monkeys' days are awash with dis-ease and dis-order. (Yes, most of it self-inflicted) of global scope and scale.

As I said, I'm at the fringe of this science culture looking in and, right at this moment, this is what I see: I see a question;   to whit:

    If there's only one sick cow in Canada, can it really be called a disease?

Okay. I know about pandemic annihilation; my subconscious is adrift in readily available Technicolor(tm),  but I also know that if only one cow is sick; there's only one of them.  (What I'm not too sure about is this: when you have nothing, do you only have one of them? If so, please call it the Spornitz transform: 0=1 or some such.)  Maybe it's a (commonly heard) False Positive.

You get my drift? Two Weapons of Mass Destruction. One Sick Cow. Twenty three people sick with something so hideous, the call it SARS. About four million Africans dead from (pick one)Aids, War, Famine..

It's kind of embarrassing.

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