File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1997/bataille.9708, message 14

Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 19:54:42 -0700
Subject: From 'ugly center' to laughter and thro[(ne)(wn)] threw.

.		        [To awl-reading Stars]			        .

.				  .				        .

	The "White Dog", and "Bridgid's" may serve as a conventionality, 
where an 'apostrophe' worked double overtime, rending rhetoric, and 
grafting grammer to what, of an 'ugly center', shines sewn to a laughter 
that sutures it to the gaze made flesh - a protection that begs to be 
thro[(ne)(wn)] threw _communication_. There a 'curious pleasure', and a 
compassion as consumption renders one emptying-to-speech of "_don dam par 
zhen pa med pa_"* (as we sat across from the table from each other), for 
*"they are not to be conceived as ultimately existent". There, there.

	["If you do know that _there is one hand_, we'll grant
	 you all the rest. (Wittgenstein, _On Certainty_, # 1.
	 A glance back, winking to [G.] E. Moore.]

	 As an 'apostrophe' then, or that "turn that turns for....."; 
indeed "wings [were there, yet how given!] to the caduceus serpents 
nature-effects/studies-affects", as the world masters again its bauble in 
returning prodigal gifts. Even in the "proposed continuation of 
_Lucinde_", proposed as writingwroughtthrough irony in "'Of the nature of 
Friendship", (signing just before and "Between chaotic nods"), there 
x-changed (hand to mouth in "White Dog") what flowed again, as trappist 
texturelater "Bridg{id}[ing]" in a time, timed to roman numerals shared 
both in _Infinite Conversation_, xiii and as a, return to _Purg_ XIII - 
before the last soul returned to its peregrination in thoughtfolds home.

	["Accordingly, thoughts are not our own. We try to
	  enter into them and to belong to them." Lyotard,
	 _Peregrinations: Laws, Forms, Event._, 6, see also
	 p. 13]

	Thus, ""O frate mio, ciascuna e' cittadina / d'una vera citta'; 
ma tu vuo'dire / che vivesse in [Philly!] peregrina."" (_Purg._ XIII, 
94-96). "[Yesterday] in any case [there we were] speaking [to each 
other], and that means that solitude is not enough for [us]." (Bataille, 
_Eroticism_, p.261. (See also, Blanchot, _Infinite Conversation_, p. 176, 
lines 24-29). It is to this song that I return a note to where "Some 
private understandings could [and did] stand a little 
airation,..."[Socha, 6, Aug, 97]; overlooked by Avalokitsvara, and where 
'concealer-truths' like...

	    ..."The crystal speaks: I don't know you said.
				    I know you thrown."
					              (C. Coolidge,
						      _The Crystal Text_
						       p. 110)

- catch!
  entre chien et loup dans
  lalangue trespasses,
  Lucio Angelo Privitello


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