File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1997/bataille.9708, message 16

Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 19:45:17 -0700
Subject: "walk with writing"...with 'pat[]er' Es.

*			     {Per Curtis}				*

*				   *				        *

			 [0.0283 c.c's x's Two]

       __							    __
      |						                      |
        This walk then, cubic (while some search their 'cubiculum'-
	combed to the cats that got their tongue) and tied to the 
	call to three 'dit-mension', 'mension du dit' scratching in
	digits three of _Seminar_ XXIV, (and rhymed if you read what
	you see up to "V"). 
	Let's walk then and c.c. x's two or hole in zen while/wahrend
	holzentra[i]ls like gowns grown through thought as the word
	world path err es split "at" (pater es), orled at a never never
	Herr. Or with two "(i)"'s, "we" "ou"
					   \"(i)", yessing Dogen's
	answer to death (as a lion's tardiness) of what walks as
	_Peregrinations_, again hol(e) zen grown in a forgetfulness
	of the "back-woulds".  

	    Pater Es, pater es, geistgegenwarting rending est
	    gegend and Stelle still 
	    sounded to Eselsohr who noun less.

	    Holzbildhauer hole held in one own grown through
	    Faust tricked warned out, as language's 'during'
	    in fore [zen-(did)-it] play.
      |_							     _|

      entre chien et loup dans
      lalangue trespasses,
      Lucio Angelo Privitello


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