File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1997/bataille.9708, message 28

Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 22:42:20 -0700
Subject: ..and [honeyed words] for free...

# ____________________________[Serenade]________________________________#
  \								       /
   \								      /
    \								     /
     \Schelling hands to "f-awling k-ought", as Sarduy smiles again /
      \for "Texts for Nothing", a "Steady State" cosmology - both  /
       \"..a multidimensional space in which a variety of writings/
        \none of them original, blend and clash." as seen in what/
         \Barthes hears as _Image, Music, Text_. To here I turn /
          \a song (flower of every act happy without a goal),  /
           \ode pinning us to {dar(e) [give]} at every 'daran'/
            \(Ger. _at, by, in, on, to_), and there whisper  /
             \'daranfesthalten'. Our minds are blind without/
              \the maids of Helicon, and to Pindar soon a  /
               \return will speak of what returns within  /
		\"Festival" posts. 			 /
                 |					|
                /Thus, a good part of what nays the call \
	       /"Apollinian!" lies in the "exhuberance of \
	      /rust" (Bataille, _The Impossible_, 115) a   \
             /wrought time spent unobserved where the space \
	    /then call as an "_ars_ existing" (J-L. Nancy,   \
           /_The Muses_, 38) as what touch[es] on presentation\
          /itself" (36). Festive, ain't it? As much of a rustle\
         /as found in Dante's "settling of the boat or...sliding\
        /of a few stones [which] indicate to the damned - but do \
       /not let them see - the invisible passage of a living soul"\
      /(idem., 98). There, in _Inf._ VIII, 25-33,...there is your  \
     /Virgil, and ahead, (_Inf._ XII) your thread a-minotauro the   \
    /impossible hell of your reason for writing. (cf. Bataille, _The \
   /Impossible_, 25, and again _Inf., XII). Ru(i)ne-walk with writing \
  /as subtle doctor splits a meditation on the angel's hair a lock of  \
 /_velle concupiscentiae_ and _ velle amicitiae_. 		        \
 |									|
 |Then there is what dreams sweetly of Sarduy. Again like _La Caida_    |
 |[Fall: Barroco Funerario], oh! Fumario caida, "spot in the iris in the| 
 |face of a Rembrandt" (see Wittgenstein, _Remarks on Color_,51e),write | 
 |"V1. Around the garret windows, tibias and femurs carpeted the vaults |
 |in regular circles.						        |
 |V2. Skull-caps were wedged in where the ribs crossed.                 |
 |............						                |
 |V2. Hard at work, "the two companions" are deciphering a missal, their|
 |eye-sockets empty."						        |
 |............								|
 |(Sarduy, _For Voice_:...Fall..., see esp., "Sequence Four" Voice. Text|
 |Four). Yes, Ariosto, read _that_ into the 'sea of lava', as you enjoy |
 |a little Pink Floyd at Pompeii: "Careful with that [pen, Ariosto!]"   |
 |________________________________|   |_________________________________|
 				  |   |
 entre chien et loup dans
 lalangue trespasses,
 Lucio Angelo Privitello


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