File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1997/bataille.9708, message 33

Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:32:22 -0700
Subject: Edging in on a _Twelfth_[tone] _Night; Or,_ [Feste's] _What You Will_.

.___________________________[Tone -Feste]_______________________________.
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 |								        |
 | quickly some might rush to add "r"*; delightful(!) and found in|
 |how it also hurries on a temporal relation to what Bataille hearwills |
 |as "..._a person who doesn't yet exist._" (_On Nieztsche_, xxvi). Ecce|
 |my Feste, an aleatory "'fu' tu, 're'?". Impossible question seen as a |
 |dance to Bataille's actions Virgil'ed-Nietzsche, in _On Nieztsche_(see|
 |39, 33, 17). So clown; adding her, adder bite, adding to what addicts |
 |"person" to its own 'addere'; delightful in impossibly being lived as |
 |what throwns its adder's-tongue between the very spokes it speaks.    |
 |								        |
 |   Feste's "_O mistress mine! where are you / roaming?" There dogtooth|
 |bitbite Viol(a)let, viola da gamba, or "viol da gamboys" as mentioned |
 |in this very _Twelfth_[tone]_Night_, ored, hearing Olivia's clown as  |
 |singing,."_,here!;"In delay there lies no plenty,"(Act II, Scene III).|
 |Good and (read into 'back-woulds') trains, griftgraft gowns now gone  |
 |hole in zen (?)- as "pleasure will be paid, one time or another".(Act |
 |II, Scene IV). Oh! you tiger of the 'back-woulds', c.c., Borges bound!|
 |								        |
 |   I, lay thee Oh! live via "a"'s fool; as a garden scene's One as we |
 |will Act as III, or "'That that is is'", Parm(a)mides and Prague if IV|
 |scene airs as a Fore-Act; even there. There, truth or Seeming? (note  |
 |_Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900_, vol VIII, Spr.1968, n. 2, |
 |pp. 283-306, "Shakespeare and Parmenides: The Metaphysics of the      |
 |Twelfth Night", Walter N. King.) "'Fu' tu re'" enough? Maudite more(s)|	
 |wouldn't you say Eric? Consumption x-ploring a shore it reaches only  |
 |as the hull of what ships it there rusts into nothing but a piece that|
 |will be picked by artist; never lost to a arch-o-tender-texture if an |
 |angel-ate the message as celestial placenta. A talon for Talan then?  |
 |[see  Talan Memmott, Tue, 12 Aug]. Festive is thus what as monument,  |
 |(contra Leo Raggo [Tue, 12 Aug] slips between lips of a placenta-8. My|
 |one eat this from the dogs that one breeds, who trust one as master!!!|
 |Speak of Don(o), then. Later, later it also becomes the story of an   |
 |eye, [Gwen N., Wed 13, Aug] for it'$ taste. "Fragile" [L.Raggo to Eric|
 |Wed, 13 Aug], is how the placenta slips from you('r)*, la',-m-ella:   |
 |ecce "double memory..." in [L.Raggo, "Re: Festival", Wed, 13 Aug].    |
 |To Socha's question then, yes gnosis is the "a - a'" (or 'a' 'i(a))   |
 |kind('r') of rust. (see Lacan, _Seminar_ XI, 187-200, and _Sem_ VIII).|
 |Note the "agalma" in Lacan's reading of Plato's _Symposium_.          |
 |  								        |
 |   From what off to tragedy claps "incipit comedia", a veritable Raggo|
 |A-go-go, (wonderfully sliding pasties down what bars eyes _to_ taste),|
 |I return to what in Don traces ''a'-more' uncommon trace and gesture  |
 |to Bataille's "_dark_ love" (_The Impossible_ 17) and to Lacan's _"the|
 |dark God_" (_Sem._ XI, 275) as a answer in "No" to: "Can only excess  |
 |generate the festive, gnostic,....." Zen theater answers also as this |
 |"No Theater", which T.S. Eliot saw as a "moment in and out of time".  | 
 |Was this L.Raggo's "marking time with traces of bygone significance.",|
 |in [Re:festival, Tue, 12 Aug]? Significance maybe knotted. (see Act   |
 |III, Scene I, of _Twelfth Night_). Che 'Feste' Vuoi!?                 |
 |________________________________| |___________________________________| 
   				  / \
                                 /   \
			    Where rust is the silence which hands over a 
thundering passage of a [tempo] space uninhabited yet 'fu-tu-re' of its 
'while-ding' ropped through memories which s'$ out. The 'ugly 
center',(like the 'nothing' of a teachers 'non-credo')walks the plank of 
the perpetual encounter and speaks adder-tongue strokes in
being twinned as spoke: "Das, was an dir zehrt, wird ein Starkes uber 
dieser Nahrung" (Rilke, _Sonnets to Orpheus_, part II, 29). 'The' 'a' 
festival of which a teaching must rush-rust to is the broken moment of a 
patience knee-deep of the waters that feed the very pool of compassion of 
infinite patience it corrodes. To co-create an artistry of a students 
encounter uninhabited yet mnemonically gifted is to toss both bodies into 
a burial at: "See!!"; that awaits a glassy-eyed trace of what mute  
speak of a silence handed over-[what]-borders in a whirled-text-u-are 
phrased: 'passe-agir'.             |
			  Che 'a'-more delle Feste!
entre chien et loup dans           |
lalangue trespasses,               |
Lucio Angelo Privitello           [|]
		  d	           |
		  e	           |
	Part(y) faVors foreplay 'you's'. Ecce Dionysus versus the
	 m        o    a                 Crucified. See "V" center?
         o        u    t                 [see also _EH II, 4, IV, 1]
.				   |					.	
 {Thanks for the article Don. And yes Ariosto, we meet at rhythm as this 
 'Tone -fest' sends a fis$urId-space-out in tempo. A presto! Dearest 


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