File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1997/bataille.9708, message 34

Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 21:02:18 -0700
Subject: Feste's encore,  (semplicemente).

Ariosto, "r" you talkin' to me?

	 The 'looking over' of _Peregrinations_, attributes from a 
reading of two of my posts [Sun, 10 Aug; and Mon 11 Aug], the first 
gestured to Don, and the latter punctuated to Curtis, adder-tongue pages 
6, to 10 which (let's see) adds up to 16, to which (ah! what the fuck), 
minus 13 [see Sun, 10 Aug post] equals 3. A page which you've work on. 
Now, since I'm talkin' to you, should I "[think to] "start there[?]". Or 
should we speak instead of "When [we were] eleven or twelve,...." 
Wouldn't that show you a path to-word a remission to your first question, 
which opened you post? Now, on page 3, there is a recall to this "program 
our life", which on page one began a bridging technique of 'supposed' 
---into --- "my", which by the way an 'aesthetics of the sublime' 
(embraces at the breakdown). There, one has payed with their person, and 
words are merely a Sur-prize-plus of payment overdue.
Here is the first "narrative" to deconstruct, up a-gaining what is always 
already Bridg{id}ing it. Thus, as I wrote: - (i) (i) comes in storms of 
what sinks [_vis a tete noyee (countersunk screw)_] with what ships it 
from it to es... - {see Re: "walk with writing"...with 'pat[]er' Es", 
Tue, 12 Aug]. (underlined bracket added). This is that step not beyond, 
see Blanchot (and Bataille's _On Nietzsche_, for that matter) and, again 
_Peregrinations_ 13. Shit! see, we even got to 13! The minusing one, as 
"see also" from the post "From 'ughy center' to laughter and 
thro[(ne)(wn)] threw. Now, are you listenin' to me? Leonardo could very 
well savour this "path of chance contingencies", as can you, in 
"events(festivals/............./baroque technique)." Should dare peek 
onto pages 13 of the Bataille and Blanchot texts mentioned. Meet you 
there. May the continuity of such sublime conceptual cataracts miss every 
forced appointment with Cartesian opthalmologists. Rub some Spinoza 'dust 
of glass' in those "I"'s of 'yours',.....any better? Next to Levi-Strauss 
on Shamanistic power in _From Honey to Ashes_. 

		"Senas mudas la dulce voz doliente
		     permitio solamente
                 a la turba, que dar quisiera voces
	     	 a la que de un ancon sequnda haya
	 	 -cristal pisando azul con pies veloces-
		 salio improvisa, de una y otra playa
		 vinculo desatado, instable puente."

				  (Gongora, "The Second Solitude",
				   from  _Solitudes_).

entre chien et loup dans
lalangue trespasses,
Lucio Angelo Privitello


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