File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1997/bataille.9708, message 51

Date: Mon, 18 Aug 1997 18:34:19 -0700
Subject: laugh (th) under

Laughter, according to Horkeimer and Adorno in "Odysseus or Myth and
Enlightenment"(_Dialectic of Enlightenment_ 78), is a blind explosion
from unyielding nature that is also recursive awareness peacefully
surrendered to destruction.  Naming, like laughter, nails the outburst,
the recognition, and the release.

		Names resurrect the dead.

Naming is a movement of negation, says Kojeve, in which things are
annihilated and replaced with their meanings.

Laughter destroys (marks or crosses) gnosis.  To mark, cross (negate)
gnosis (silence), preserves it as something negated, as if captured,
controlled.  We negate every gift, both asserting ownership, and causing
gnosis (given reality) to vanish.

Ireel en chaos,

Don Socha


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