Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 06:15:36 -0400 Subject: curves an adverteasement for bitten flesh questions its own questionably curious buzzled buxxled moneycult buzz-lead Eden ended rent-sigh flavour with your tone-guests endlessly hands clasp appeal clap-joy the eyes ink-beneath-the-skin-worlds whirl from paper slowing me the words on a table of content(ment)s I am a dream in the energies' money-harm teching time to allow floragraphic buzz-reed literally in a science discovery flow contentment claims too much an/in excess without a back-words glance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sterad => type-ovoid: stereo radical (radical stereo) root-steering staring at (the) roots see the loots flash the loots cash them in see the lutes as well as hear them hear the hem the sound of fabric before it becomes a factory even of a very few (a number ever-approaching but never reaching zero (does this "ever-" take up eternity or merely ever-head in that direction? )) cycles per second
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