File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1997/bataille.9708, message 57

Subject: Re: On having no voice
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 23:06:27 PDT

Don Socha wrote (8/19):

>Someone on another list offered:
>"Cixous, Kristeva, and so forth are also part of the philosophic &
>psychoanalytic traditions of Lacan.  

I believe it was Antonin Artaud who called Lacan a "filthy, vile 
bastard."  It was also Artaud who materialized himself as his own 
father, son, mother and Self.  Basically, he realized that he owned his 
own cunt.

>If the "gap" exists, there is NO
>such thing as an essential speaking or writing woman, so it does not
>matter who one writes about because women do not (according to this
>tradition) speak."

Only the true and courageous _mergent_ speaks: the one who throws all 
ideas, conceptions, and identity safety-nets of sexuality and gender to 
the dispersing wind.  To speak from a primal camp of belonging is to 
dissolve like an Alka-Seltzer tablet: the one who drinks you will shit 

For it is the feminine element who gave birth to Primal Man; who 
established the _fetish_ of longevity.  A man reaches back to Woman -- 
but to whom does Woman reach back?

This is a slippery subject ...

When identity is at stake there is always tedious circumscription.  But 
dependence is a movement of creative effort akin to that of a conductor 
and an orchestra ...

I was tempted to write "his orchestra," but indeterminacy is the 
possibility of birth ... the seedling of convulsion in ... well, in 
CHAOS ... isn't that right?

Edward Moore

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