File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1997/bataille.9708, message 62

Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 14:15:16 -0700
Subject: Kairos Techne stirred with a Cratylusian finger,...and

*_________________[paignion's Empedocles'ed over-Etna]__________________.
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|	Enough of a recipe for you, hedge priest maclean, or should one |
|throw a little more fat into the open pit fires, visible even from the |
|hedge schools where there burns a desire beating around its own bush?  |
|									|
|	   Oar Pas par quatre chemins then! Fo(u)r(e) "Il nous meme-    |
|raisent tout aussi bien la ou je vais dire."(Lacan, _Television_, III).|
|Then, come meet an Oars/Ores-man by the name Caronte, where you will   |
|hear: "Guai a voi, anime parve! / Non isperate mai veder lo cielo: /   |
|i'vegno per menarvi all'altra riva / nelle tenebre etterne, in caldo   |
|e 'n gelo." (_Inf_. III, 84-87), where, si! mi cruccio con occhi di    |
|fiamme rote because, Oh! hedge priest maclean, you are "che la tema si |
|volve in disio". (_Inf._ III, 126),...thus, "se Caron di te [_non_] si | 
|lagna, / ben puoi sapere omai che 'l suo dir sona." (128-129). There is|
|'lagna', and then 'lagna' to get Gorgia's Etna dinner going. The latter|
|brands. Or does "you've been brandered" ring *truer* to your ears?     |
|									|
|Careful of your first steps; for "bloody yanks"[!??!] said against what| 
|writwrought of Sarduy will be a coiling of Minos' tail around _your_   |
|delicate neck.			    |				        |
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  entre chien et loup dans  --------|-------- 
  lalangue trespasses,
  Lucio Angelo Privitello

  (Think carefully before fuckin' with my family!)


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