File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1997/bataille.9708, message 65

Date: Sat, 23 Aug 1997 23:09:17 -0700
Subject: Ca-ecrit-voir/-phi.: "Quatre Etudes De Rythme". Part 1. 

*__________________________[Muzen  Sizilien]____________________________*
|			    on ca-ecrit-phi				|
|									|
|	Where does it go, renegade scythe-crit-phied after a founding-  |
|-out-fore-you, dearest dears, of what of Bataille in "a person doesn't |
|yet exits" (149), and there in principle, handled reaping of a _moral  |
|summit_: sacrifices? (xi). Here in a parting one of four, caressing to |
|tastes, split chasm of what ca-ecrit/-phi-sees blinding orbs, or so(wn)|
|as medium; beautiful each, and one's owned, viz., la famiglia. Mia!    |
|									|
|	Key, clay, Klee's: "The eye follows the path that have been laid|
|down for it in the work" - and then stories of, steerings in, stirrings|
|from, what us'ed, you'd I's to-word thee's. A whisper of what in "forty|
|four" chapters of Georges Perec's _Life a User's Manual", plays at go. |
|Go then! 								|
|	For those who are-a-panting or tripled a'ed; hold to what forth |
|rises as it also gently sets us down to dream. And there, again you    |
|also found, - lisplisting barely lasting played to what sacrifices     |
|itself a loin-lapped-lazuli. Saught found, home heard; shipped to what |
|fellows fodder to a guide gone and allowing these fourths to sink      |
|larger than its sinews became thine heart. That lovely blueness, which |
|orbits necked to breast ripples that resonate ca parle, ca-ecrits-voir/|
|-phi, ca parle. Permitted, worked, and visa'ed too. The feeling of such|
|crime. (20). Such shifts, (15) air from the back-woulds wording on     |
|sacrifice played on all four a-gain-St. innings - ing's - stripped torn|
|from abreast the tale it tolls as 'Th -/(ing)'. Forty Pines make way to|
|this, x-ampled embrace called redemption iff Nieztsche on Nietzsche in |
|_Ecce Homo_ to "Thus Spoke Zarathustra". _On Nietzsche_ then, a in a   |
|batting of an eye; and lead past an evening star to night song.	|
|	Companion as community? (9), and what begins back as page 7, as |
|"....I _lived_,....", and there transgress the "identity of language" -|
|(xi). Take this as a smile, that "...famous smile has always seemed to |
|me to be the simile of a woman who has just dined off her husband.)"   |
|(L.Durrell, "Justine", _Alexandria Quartet_, p.125-126). Buon a-petit- |
|to you! Yes, " _sovereign_ desire eats away at and feeds on our    |
|anguish, on principle this engages us in an attempt to go beyond our-  |
|selves." (Bataille, 20). Sublimity, and then? "We expect love to be a  |
|solution......" (105), whereas Procrustes measures the sheets which in |
|a-mour(n)-ing you make _a_-gain and _a'_-gain, and _A_-gain.           |
|Thus, yes, I bring (grazie Bataille, harm to those I illuminate. (93). |
|The harm of a weave weaved on the Loom of L.O.V.E. and GuiLt-Y--a. Risk|
|it, ca parle. Communicated? Risk yourselves! (21, 149, 70). Paint that |
|common nothingness in a brushblushedtwilight to flesh-it-out of what in|
|harrowing hors-texts intimate a passionate glance signed in blood.     |
|There in _Eroticism_, p. 91, before imagination rips it from the Real; |
|there, as a loss felt before the hanging-up, there in a turn across a  |
|table, drinking the 'end of the world' - there, there, now, open "on to|
|the unknown"! (91-91). Such harmony will return as your Messiaen-ism to|
|your 'a's. [An "Ile de feu 1" perhaps]. Or organs too.			|
|	Operate the loss. (Bataille, _Vision of Excess_, 119-120), then |
|write. _The Impossible_ tells the tolling tale there. Read _your_ move-|
|ments when batting the eye to what fall lost, of who reads _their_     |
|Bataille. There's the key, clay, Klee again. Benjamin close behind the |
|wings which beat like quilted hearts. Meet the Need, and in Chapter III|
|of _Theory of Religion_ read on---_intimacy_, before crying over what  |
|milked spells over an erasure which tempts the movement of a quick     |
|Cratylusian fingering. I, here mean to end; whereas they (chi?) will   | 
|end to mean of Man's this or that, or a-gaining Woman's speaking to the|
|die-cast-man'ed fore-meaning, lovely done, true and plain con-pleated  |
|spaces engaged of what world-whirls gives a hurl at a voice of that    | 
|will 'come to quick' to answer: 'Che Fare?' Niente then. Got it?! That |
|opens up the festival of jouissance droppings-Nieztsche female elephant|
|_gaya scienza_'ed as seen in _Ecce Homo_, 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra'.    |
|And in Bataille? See, _Visions of Excess_, 251. There, bare witness, as|
|turns, return you dearest dears to task, mastered or knotted to what in|
|a voice frays to a "Che Vuoi?". E io? There, living for sacrifice, and |
|frenzy flay a-more frays laided upon the sheets that Procrustes touched|
|as measure.								|
|	Recoil then at the "lay[ing] claim at universal value" (252),   |
|until of a Festino, I return Feste to this Festival. What else? ""the  |
|god who sacrifies himself gives himself irrevocably"" (Hubert et Mauss)|
|in Bataille, (69). Follow me to _YFS 78_, Bataille, "Hegel, Death and  |
|Sacrifice"; along with Festino and Feste, as two of what fore's this   |
|Etudes De Rythme. "Les Femmes" included as in Hans Werner Henze's piece|
|_El Cimarron_.								|
|									|
|	As "little imperatives", and "internal necessity" take hold of a|
|Don(o) in an architectonic home wherewithawling a heard-well allows the|
|glance of such a Her-a-clitus to step even once into rivers where the  |
|dropping out as innings in amount to where an Ari-o(r)-sto(atsed) stays|
|put, after a Virgil'ed lead called "da quella banda / della cornice    |
|onde cader si pote, / perche' da nulla sponda s'inghirlanda" (_Purg._  |
|XIII, 79-80), before, and worn ringing of ears-to-come in a _Be_ or    |
|_ice_, yet there, there, now, nouned, dearest dears.		        |
|									|
|	The rest can't even count to their one.				|
|____________________________________|        |_________________________|
				     |        |
 entre chien et loup dans
 lalangue trespasses,
 Lucio Angelo Privitello


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