File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1997/bataille.9708, message 67

Date: Sun, 24 Aug 1997 21:43:39 -0700
Subject: Ca-ecrit-voir/-phi: "Quatre Etudes De Rythme". Part 2.

*________________________['a'; severed ear]_____________________________*
|			  on ca-ecrit-phi			        |
|									|
|	Or tongues, those of Anaxarchus of Abdera, or zeno of Elea, as  |
|ca-phi's, what ecrit-voir's: spectacle. (see, Bataille _Visions of Ex- |
|cess_, 70, and _YFS 78_, 20). Tongues then held at heart ask for "a    |
|rebirth of the art of _hearing_..."(Nietzsche, _Ecce Homo_,'Thus Spoke |
|Zarathustra', and there embrace again what in Bataille sounds from both|
|page 251 (_Vision of Excess_) and page 9 of _On Nietzsche_. _Festino_  |
|then; 'universal negative' into 'particular negative': S and M (uuuu!) |
|while watching your P's [and q's] play the inning: P(x) )x ~M(x),S(x)^x| 
|M(x), S(x) ^x ~P(x). There is the e, i, o, (no a) for Festino; or then |
|again intersected strangled - persisting for the sake of enjoying what |
|in Barbara (a,a,a) turns "Like a woman, [where] possibility makes de-  |
|mands, makes a person go all the way." (Bataille, _On Nietzsche_, 8).  |
|See? There "We expect love to be a [souloose'a'-tion].."(ibid., 105);  |
|whereas Procrustes measures the sheets which in a-mour(n)-ing you make |
|a-gain and a'-gain, and A-gain. [How do you take your coffee my sweet?]|
|	Or there's Hegel's jump shot between the 'Problematic Judgment' |
|and the "Apodictic Judgment'. No points! (see _Science of Logic_, vol. |
|2, p. 297-300). Don't forget your J. McTaggart too.			|
|									|
|	Beyond beauty then, like "'The smile [that] appears on the skin |
|outside'" ('Balthazar',_Alexandria Quartet_, p.142), as facts; and that|
|as poetry tells the tolling tale torn: Just-in-(festino's)-e. That's   |
|why all desire to jump in. There too, your Messiaen-ism rings in the   |
|severed ear, enveloped-loup-loopy, "Mode de valeurs et d'intensites" of|
|what's awled in O-liver's other quartet: _Quartet for the End of Time_.|
|Read some of Messiaen's program notes. Verbal art! Lower, lower; never |
|what more may say of the high! which getting a peace on earth would be |
|of educations self reward. 'Tis the season it seems. A return to:      | 
|									|
|			    S2  --  a					|
|			    __      __					|
|									|
|			    S1      $ 			                |
|									|
|where a crossing across x-ing inning is what in thee (chi?) is  really |
|asking for a ca-ecrit-voir/-phi's. Go then! Enact $ to S1; another step|
|which pens a line as Other ( --- ) Production. Tisk, tisk, anOther task| 
|to-- Master. That's the sheathed sheering beauty of it.	        |
|									|
|     Or pire!,....and counting on pere taking turns on tricks so(wn) in|
|a w/horr-'a'ble encounter in limitless con-cessions to festino-ville's |
|"necessities of the profane world." (Bataille, _Theory of Religion_ 54)|
|The awl before the sublime? Tilled death done weaves part? There, there|	
|there, noun; ca-ecrit-voir/-phi-sees fare that "one sacrifies _what is |
|useful_;.."(ibid., 50). Nor, is "The Festival......a Return to One's   |
|Vomit". (see _Accursed Share_, vol. II & III, 89-94_). 		|
|								        |
|	Poetry then wroughts the cored 'a' of the severed ear's apple of|
|her eye. "Of poetry, I will say that it is, I believe, the sacrifice in|
|which words are victims." (_Vision of Excess_, 135-152). Not heard as  |
|those who go-nose-sticking knowing he(a)r/re the everlasting dumb-bells|
|go(d)nascency smelling nasion-fare there. Barrel of laughs! Such highs!|
|withstand not the chasm which they sway to, whistling it Lull-ed to a  |
|sleep. Nosebleed Ray-Monde, for lack of being George(s)' read, or even|
|"good"? Pax Christiana indeed! Such is the _Ars Combinatoria_ of the   |
|"(or her)" which knows not what "B" equals. Muster it up and proceed   | 
|then to her(e) 're'. That's just after; Do-(pe),and long before, what  | 
|of Procrustes sheet frays in the weave of l.o.v.e and guILt-y-a.       |
|									|
|	"Poetry's luster reveals itself outside the moments which it    |
|	 reaches in a deathlike disorder." (Bataille, _The Impossible_  |
|	 161. 								|
|	"The poetic work is sacred in that it is the creation of a      |
|	 topical event, "communication" experienced as _nakedness_. --  |
|	 It is self-violation, baring, communication to others of a     |
|	 reason for living, and this reason for living "shifts"."       |
|	 (Laure (Colette Laure Lucienne Peignot),_The Collected Works_, |
|	 45).								|
|______________________________|   |____________________________________|
			       |   |
 entre chien et loup dans
 lalangue trespasses,
 Lucio Angelo Privitello						 


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