File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1997/bataille.9708, message 77

Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 14:34:43 -0700
Subject: A-is [mimetic] 'Ca'-o-u-' -ah! Is SA  "two"?  Per Don.

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	 (4)*			   *			    *(5)

	I saw that you've moved to my left. (cf., _Purg._XIV,141). Yes,
you'r right. Virgil avec Avalokitesvara, and as you nod off, yes there as 
what sees no person, and yet is resolved to (x)com/passion them. The nod	
of an "'a'-ccompagnare"(It.). We have sat face to face on this sweet	
[iss('a')]ue, haven't we? I will speak on that instance; of course ca-
parle, o, "u";...ah!, dear _faqir_. Thus to directions, (or that feeling 
of velvet strangeness which brushes up against one when found travelling 
in an 'unknown' city, an 'unknown' car, and, when facing face to what 
more then 'known-in-script' now folds and rips through the night as flesh 
and laughters reverberations) I throw your five questions (from these 
hands that hold them as a procrustian sheet; scale 1:1); and as follows 
they fall (like draughts) in the hands of a child, and 'Re"-placed there 
as stars in Ariadne's name.  

   1)* = "The reward of sacrifice is the feeling of being cleansed, 	 
         which envinces a greater assurance of singularity through
	 automulitaltion of the useful (through auto-mutual agree-
   2)* = "Is a primarily mimetic orientation given?" 
   3)* = "What wards words to-word merest mirroring?"
   4)* = "Is reconciliation a gift or booty?"
   5)* = "Ah, the relief of sudden identification, always through 	 
         alteration, vomiting and through feeling a-part 

	So; or, S(A)[with A barred), or s(A) (but I leave that to B., 
which knows how to count to "two" - through Lacanian Matheme-antics), I 
drop "A" in 'a' center which means merely where the compass passes round 
a good few times when you wish to draw a pentagon with it. [Try it. 
Almost like a daisy all/awl corolla. Was that the one Buddha smelled? I 
refer you hear to _your [kind/est] gift_, p. 173, 15-16, 97-99, 191, 197;
which should, in turn, (while whirling) count to/as "fore!"(4) in _your_ 
questions lower^ left of three (3). Left of (3), as Rumi has it: "We are 
the mirror as well as the face in it." (Rumi avec Lacan!); or in his 
whirled-poem (like whirl-pool, got it!) [laughter], entitled "Polishing 
the Mirror", (where of almost anyone who lips to the Bataille list, you, 
have the words to speak: "People that insult me are only polishing the 
mirror."). "a'"-gain, there also in Rumi's "Fragment/Ecstacies", as 
number 'Four' [the one liked best), where we find "I am the student; 
teach my contorted face to smile / make my stupidity your burden / sew 
this rag on that robe / sometimes you confiscate everything like a 
tax-collector sometimes you walk ahead like a guide...." Pursewarden then 
(see _Alexandria Quartet_, "Clea", p. 175) these "words to-word merest 
mirroring[]", and find the brackets which embrace you in and out of 
phenomenology of -phi-nomos-ology. (see, Husserl,_Ideas_; 'eidetic 
-[^ "lower, lower; never what more may say of the high! which getting a 
peace on earth would be of educations reward". Remember? Actually it was 
to that "Part two", that 'a'; severed ear _you_ return _me_ as your 
gesture signed on as "Aissaouah?" (Bataille, _Vision of Excess_, 
"Sacrificial Mutilation...",pp. 61-72). Right then! you got that right.]-

	This would be a practice to push up, cleavaged against question 
number (2); where even if we end up leaned on by the pair that turns us 
to chaff as we wait, arms outstreched for the chasm that chafes without 
pain. (What does that leave us? Ah, right, (5); and there above, (1). 
Oh!key-'Do'key. [Laughter]. What "gall" huh? (See, Bataille, op.cit., p. 
70; for those who are still 'do'-ing their readings). Gall, and double 
gall. [Laughter]. Thus to (1). Now, if there is nothing left of (3) after 
what was said to-word the doing (in (2)/"two") of a 'practice to push up 
against' itself; then (1) would sound to a 'Re'-(sounding (as noun)) in 
each and every "Yes"! Joy-c'e' La!
	Below (3), (the whirl-pool, remember), there is the drain, the 
lint, the dust, the sewer; (or (5)) again the "right! you got it", when 
halving handed over to me _The Two Truths_ , knowing very well that 
there, there, now, I have always stood by your left/leaving, but then 
A-gain "..writing about [l.o.v.e] my pen splinters / expanding [l.o.v.e] 
the ass [of my] intellect lays down in the mire" (Rumi) -- there then is
(5) 'a'-fire!!

But it was for you Epimetheus,...(see, PLato _Protagoras_820c8-322a5).
E per te', Don.
entre chien et loup dans
lalangue trespasses,
  Lucio Angelo ----------

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