Date: Wed, 06 Aug 1997 11:57:01 -0700 Subject: Re: George Edward Moore Edward Moore, Here is an unfair blast of fragments thrown your way in the form of a quick note/response before I head to Philly for a few days. While I'm glad we agree that the questioning of closure relies on your gnostic, my poetic, your music, my unfounded, ungrounded reception and communion, a form of relation not restricted to familiarity or reliability so much as promise (dread?)and emotion itself, "All writing is a fragmentary act," says Blanchot. What is written is Not, as nominating you 'George' frees you from the burden of a common understanding of what you are list(en)ing to, requiring identifications nonetheless, however, but an altered facilitating function, and awry forms of knowledge perhaps, though, as always, still less poetry than another mechanical reproduction of words and still a custom(w)ary salute or obeisance. Facts are facet merely, facets not merely facts, and Being more than a matter of facet. What eludes our separate identities, the net of our separate familiarities with fact, facets and Being need not itself be limited by our appreciation. Some private understandings could stand a little airation, having grown stale and hardened into response. Triggered emotions shape response to mood -of piece- in its unique reception; but I grant you, the effectivity of the piece, fact, facet or face, depends upon needs and desires.... We can limit poetry or music to language... as we can anything in excess of direct profits or a reliable return on investment.... We "share" only on faith dependent upon familiarity or community (with emphasis upon the meaning of relations over understood designations) or that which communicates as little as we see fit if comfortable, or tolerate if resentful. Yes, gnosis effects! As for George Moore, he's known for taking the world as he found it. Because he was relatively free of dissatisfaction with ordinary methods of conception, I thought I could play Kierkegaard to your "Moore". Some questions he tackled: Is an idea a mental state or a universal meaning? Is music propositional? I appreciate his granting importance less to concepts than to our relation with them. He wondered, for example, if meaning were dependent upon the correspondence or the lack of one, between coordinates of music say, and another, such as fact, facet or face. What we hear may be more of ourselves listening than we think.... Well apologies for the cursiveness. I hope to review things on Monday or thereabouts. Please disregard the irrelevant here... if you can! Transmuting depressed chaos into a stimulating nod, Don Socha
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