File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1997/bataille.9710, message 115

Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 19:48:27 -0700
From: Lucio Privitello <>
Subject: Body Symbolic.

Don darn-ing to suffix these "jolts between bouts of goofy 
{why not Donald Duckian] understatements" - as garments tossed to pasture 
reveal the body's wish as body symbolic - until...with Lacan a lunge: 
"Affect, therefore, befalls a body whose essence it is said is to dwell 
in language - I am borrowing plumage which sells better than my own - 
affect, I repeat befalls it on account of its not finding dwelling-room, 
at least not to its taste." (_Television_, IV, 23-24). And is this 
"convulsive nod[]" maybe itself a conversion symptom, Oh! Socha 
overwritten with signifiers, _and_ positing "placid chaos" nearly as  
"incorporeal" as the stoics (who according to Lacan, [again!]) reached 
the littoral of how the symbolic relates to the body? And another thing; 
about that "window" (remember), well take this: "Rapture is not a window 
looking out on the outside, on the beyond, but a mirror."(Bataille, _IE_, 
54). Of course as malady. Yet caro Don, as project is "_ma[de] use the assurance of an imminent healing", rapture (maybe as rupture) 
may also t/here turn first malady into first health.Would that be (and 
this is for your Edward, a "salvator salvandus"?) Pensaci su'. As for the 
rest, I await you with open claws.....(and a Belgian beer)....

entre chien et loup dans
lalangue trespasses,
Lucio  [not remaining idle]


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