Subject: Re: El momento [D]e-lu(cid)-zas! - "On Nietzsche" - "... Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 11:41:15 EST ...or where 'ashes gain chances' - (as "es gibt") and hinged to 'alterit[y]' 'a'-roused. Is that how Curtis Clark [Sun, 4, Jan 98] shows the mists from the "giving withholding" of a language pain/ting)ed by a speaker, yet (somehow) as a cascade of a 'shudder-producing things" met in that "(i)" that 'notes' 'reach' from 'aches'? How can 'talk' still 'cure', like hams-strung-up, or strings pulled as a me('a')ting(ed) from a _demande d'amour_ in _malediction consentie_? As matrixal gaze? (sea's way below, and see below too). Writhing on those "wild reference chase[s] and all", and along with your 'refered to the wrong person" mention, Ariosto, [Mon, 5 Jan 98], a few (o)t/her(e) notes reach from aches in the 'double-dipped' "dip back to Nietzsche" of your [Sun 4 Jan] posts. Without a doubt, these latest scratches "await[ ] an ear pressed against the other side" (Bataille) - changing not-a-hinge from how things stood or fell _before_ us, as far back as the Gracian-Gongora posts, or the Twombly tumbles braille-script- -scrawled _before_ il Tosco. Yet h/ear-Ye, as t/here-Ye, an (o)t/her(e)-y/[e(ar)] fight-Fort(ing)-Da-dog-goner of a subject shows its face, kneaded-deep in the "shit" of those "distinct gap[s]...opening before us, and which constitutes our own anarchic idiom." [df803 Sun 4 Jan 98, 17:58]. What sculpture! What idiom-its! [laughter]. So, _before_ I string you -- "serpiente mal nacida! / Oh ponzonosa vibora, escondida / de verde prado en oloroso seno!" (perfidious snake! / O venomous viper hiding in / a green field's fragrant _LAP_!" [Gongora, _Shorter Poems_, XXX, my emphasis and capitalizing] -- hams strung-up and strings pulled, lets visit Quevedo on Seneca, on (and off) love, on Job (yeh, that's right Job), and, as we stroll, (or run for references), may we enjoy this "palacio del entendimento" which your dearer Gracian grafts within his _Criticon_. ( And your Felisinda, will s/he come along?) Yet, it is to Levinas that I turn. And to 'obsession', which you tucked within your [Sun 4 Jan, 14:12] post up against Blanchot as that which "read[s] away from [me]". Yeh!, _Faraway so Close_. Maybe in _your_ "wrong person mention" (Jimenez for Salinas) one may jump start this thread of that unending process of self-loss and self-recovery - which in Levinas, (in A. T. Peperzak, ed., _Ethics as First Philosophy_, 1995), is the "obsession-I" (obsession-Identity) of "contamination/conversion" pitted against what would, between lips savouring {a-mor-'a'-can} date, count as what "turns us beyond consciousness, crosses all conscious order and quietly gives witness to freedom and responsibilty outside of conscious spontaneity, commitment and normativity". (_idem_., 33). All in a sweet date!? Yes, if and when tasted by the other. Savour savouring savoured. (Slip-thread: had Quevedo found and then lost this in his views on love?) Listen: "Doctas sirenas en veneno tirio / con tus labios pronuncian melodia" ('Learned sirens in Tyrian poison sing a song with your lips', # 484). Oh! Lisi! But recall his renunciation of love in the _Heraclitio cristiano_, and interesting to note that this second crisis happened in the year (1613) when he left for Sicily as secretary for the Duke of Osuna. Damn/blessed Sicily! [laughter]. (check out: _Francisco de Quevedo, Love Poet_, D. G. Walters, Univ. of Wales, 1985). More running, more _Suenos_. May your bewilderment never leave room for tiredness!, to twist a bit a Quevedian line from _El mundo por de dentro_, (164), and meeting your stoic signing off [df803 Thu 1 Jan 98] "may the worst calamities invigorate your life in this new year,". Now your talk'in Lucio Anneo Seneca. Speaking of Stoic, Quevedo's brand, as Bataille's, is double-dipped in the Job of old. Recall Quevedo's "nuestro Seneca" and even "nuestro santo"! (hey, here's another freakin reference: _Francisco de Quevedo and The Neostoic Movement_, H. Ettinghausen, Oxford, 1972, with a bibliography to die for in relation to your 'Baroque-Stoic tradition-Quevedo' question governing your re-search. [df803 Wed 31 Dec 97]. Take that! But, back to Levinas. Somewhere, I believe through a Don post, (hey, Don!, now what the hell is he up too....?) there was a mention of "transcendence implied" which a "finer risk" or "greater danger" is folded over in not _disallow[ing]" _ it. (is that right Don?). Yeh, Sure. Now, read this: "Rather we face the transcendence of an unreachable Other whose call or covenant is already in effect out recognition of ourselves, a call or covenant that does not constitute an a priori element in our identity but rather interrupts our identity in giving identity, a proximity that obesses us in holding us to something impossible for us, one that sets us apart from ourselves and from _our_ history and gives another impossible history in which we are without initiative and in which we are always beginning in loss before proximity." (Scott in Peperzak, _Ethics as First Philosophy_, 27). Ariosto, is this the "reading away from [one]"? If so, and in belonging to the other proximity, we, reeling, respond to that cry or call always already _before_ them. Notice this lately? Levinas does state that "Obession is irreducible to consciousness even if it overwhelms it" (_Autrement qu'etre ou au-dela de l'essence_, 128, _OB_, 101, see also _OB_, 176 and 93) for a stoic throw back of sorted apples/ap/pealed. Where's Raphael;.. by the wings? Rats!, "transcendence to the point of absence" - thus _Adieu, a dieu, a-Dieu_, -- (see Levinas, _Collected Philosophical Papers_, 166) -- "A Story of Rats" even, and let me tell you, "..."they're enormous rats"." (Bataille, _The Impossible_, 37). [laughter]. So enormous that capitalizations merely slip upon the ecomony of their script, enjoying instead the loss in the surplus - "shared slime" - of our "obliterat[ion] the absence of animal limits." (Bataille, _ON, 98). Could this be your (Ariosto) tug upon the hemp ropes of "obession"? "Obsession is a responsibility without choice, a communication without phrases [does that include 'phrase regimens'?] or words." (Levinas, _idem_., 120). Or how's about them short sessions, so short that they 'take the words right out of your mouth'...., and there's Lacan re-turn. (see, P. Guyomard, _La jouissance du tragique, Antigone, Lacan et le desir de l'analyste_, Aubier 1992, p. 80-86). (saw-ed from 'a'-"boveda" and crypt-scripted. See?). "Mas no cabras alla, que pues ha tanto que comes de ti mesmo y no te acabas, mayor debes de ser que el mismo infierno." (But you won't fit; for you have eaten of yourself so much you must be larger now than even hell). (Gongora, _idem_., XXX) placenta--/l/ate, don't be tardy, entre chien et loup dans lalangue trespasses, Lucio
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