File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1998/bataille.9801, message 27

Subject: "?como hemos de _poder vivir_ en un mundo como este?"...
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 11:07:13 EST Andrenio's anguished question finds (as mother, not wife) 
Ariosto's trying 'a' - gain --( but, 'still' as by  visitation of the
light of reason, though in part sfumato in  'touches' of the allegorical
of wilder animals in the LAP of uni-verses - Critilio's 'a'-bill-'It'-ty
-- 'bill' also of Boileau in Lacan, reference,  which tripped-on ,
trou-de-loup, finding  "everything closed")  -- but  roped off even,
which oddly sanctions the critics [AR] own sharpening stones, which, by
the by, poetry awl-wheather-wheel whets. See-sawing then to this spell of
work (and what a Job!) that my cradle-scythe-prose performs between what
whets its appetite, therein also an -X-club-ing of 'efficient cause',
'finality', and 'function'  for  the trumpeting-oeil of who, "blind as a
bat", bats away, like seals, after being called: "Y/OU/(R) HORS!".  

Is this still a "place"?  "[Your] place"  in the sun, perchance;  and oh!
how frontispieced of _Otherwise than Being", codded even of a 'breke of
mail' does this calling card call:  "Try again", almost like visits to a
Cartesian opthalmologists.  Do bats, batted at like 'seals' there
're'-gain their saught? "[P]roper distinction" indeed! Impatient maybe,
but not 'patient' of aforementioned opthalmologists. Et tu?
_Pensees_-ici, # 112.  And that is _you_ claiming to read  (Levinas
through Levinas), while reel-y, a place in the sun your ego claims. This
(k)night is a/not/her(er) sun.  Find Diogenes, quick!  You seamed and
quickened an enclosure within yourself with that "my place", and in a
batting of an I, (blindness' inner farse), slipped knotted how desire
transcends an economy; even to  that which hoes a hard row in the fields
of "philosophy".  But what has sharpened, (ummm, and all wet, to boot), a
blade for your juggular vein is your  trip to Lacan's cabinet, and with
it, the taste of blood upon you from my sharking-Thot/tooth/ing out of
the failure of such discourses, which according to Dr. Lacan, 
"supposerait une section du predicat." (see _Seminaire_, Livre XX, p.
16). What fun! Munch-munch!

>From t/here one might (speaking to a shark)  pick it up, or let it fall
from a Levinasian "pre-beginning", or "pre-original/originary";  but
wouldn't that be a creative _"reprise_", a 'dialogue before dialogue',
which, by the by,  you, anguished, nearly brought to a close in the first
paragraph of  your [Thu 8 Jan ] post by forcing distinctions, where I
merely faux'd alternatives. Hear? (You skipped f-awling in the dots part,
and the  sharp slice of the "contracifra"), so who's impatient now?
Style, my dear one, style, for 'what is well-spoken, one conceives
clearly' ("qui s''enonce bien, l'on le concoit clairement") - and
"clairement veut dire que ca fait son chemin" ('clearly means that it
makes its way'). (see Lacan, _Television_, VII).  Maybe my instruments
were so sharp as to still allow you to walk about (making _"its_"  way)
headless after the slice? Credo di si'.  

So(wn), pick _your_ ' chemin de croix'  then, and stop 'pas y aller par
quatre (trente-six) chemins' - (even though much is also fond to t/her/e
annealed/-'a'-knelt and a knell to/too). [laughter].  Procrustean bed

entre chien et loup dans
lalangue trespasses,


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