File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1998/bataille.9808, message 39

Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 11:20:05 -0400
From: lucioangelo <>
Subject: Nobl-'essa' en-'khora'

[_con 'Khora'_]

	o) "To the lurking silence then...that which provides infinite
variation and possibilities for mutation, the dirfting element of
surprise which depending on its critical strength or the force of
singular misreadings is able to make distinct as much as relate. Capture
then, is dependent on  our hospitality, on techniques of dissappearance
or making room." (Raggo, Mon, 17 Aug, 14:01)

	i) "Lucio, see how I try hard to make myself clear and easy to
understand? (Raggo, Tue, 18 Aug, 12:25)

	ii) " interpenetrate in boundless play while still finding
it hard to talk about much, not wanting to let the passage of a
communicable, readable message through as if it was a question of
sharing something easy to put down in so many words rather than bury
the words in the ashes, in the wasted remains of meaning eluding
economical appropriation or readability, buried in the shadow of words."
(Raggo, Tue, 18 Aug, 14:32)

	iii) "And you Lucio, come along for some list leaping," (Raggo, Tue, 18
Aug, 14:45)

	iv) "I'm trying to see what the relation between memory
and dissimulation effects, rubs a-way and alters." (Raggo, Wed, 19 Aug,


	Becoming taut then by backing up a bit -- in 'is/san(s)' [rick, Sun 16
Aug, 12:50), where Nietzsche also bit/ten in sense (or Salome) lifts
from Doctor Marianus the line: "Here is the prospect free" (_Faust_,
Part Two, ACt V, 11989, in _TI_ Skirmishes of an 
Untimely Man, 46) -- "I" exhume a "well!", 'a'-of-the-wisp and respond.

	 Of course, unkind, always so(wn) unkind to the perspective "in seeing
the cause of seeing" (_WP_ 548), and casting yet 'a' w-o(a)r-d upon
"angels...exchanged on Wittgenstein's ladder"; way overdue'd as
Diotima's. [laughter] "T(each)ing(ly) be, such a move from memories of
return grind to the "glassy reaches", and strain where "unsure" might
more sheer be-callEd if "rub[bed] a-way and alter[ed]." Do you hear,
caro Ariosto how clear I unknot the desire to clear "Be"? [laughter] Or
for Rick, how more carefully _La(p)_langue gauges to 'a' void no-ledge?
For the "orbit at the end of Dante's Hell(O)" weaves close, so close to
this Doctor Marianus, and, to that Lacanian "A"/(O), yes, waiting the
hard burn of St. Bernhard, (as 'contrapposto') if to a 're(e)ding' one
goes , t/here finding the temper of the pin's 'mettle' on which these
angels are quickly exchanged. Hear again Ariosto, how cl-ear-ly the
weave's woven to what as _lieu_, _locus_'s the text's _abime_? A Sheerer
knot "leap[s]" never more unsure, hey Rick? "Uncommitted" indeed! Based
on iv), Ariosto it could be why-z'err to plunge y/our transference
(which always makes present), unlike "memory", into this Surrealist
"list". What will act as the "sewing machine"? Surrealist "list"! Hah!
that "tornado on the edge of an atmospheric depression where the norms
of humanist individualism founder" (Lacan, 'Actes du Congres de Rome',
_La Psychanalyse_, 1, 1956, 251). Does the 'relation' mentioned in iv)
not unveil itself enough as a relationship with the symbolic here, right
here on the Bataille "list"? Wrong word-plays perhaps? More stovepipe
hat over yonder, (be-yearning Other "ashes") since their minds are
'mannered' here? [laughter]. 

	Based on i) above, what with o(a)rs and awl, rowing still harder, and
burr "impossible as per usual [to] communicat[e]..." etches a trace to
the "contrapposto", from _Par_ XXXIII to _Inf_ XXXIII, and there, in the
ladder's frozen ringing I find you with a "...visiere di cristallo [...]
'un poco, pria che il pianto si raggeli'". (98, 114). 
Such is the "_gangastrotagi_" (_BGE_ 27) where you are setting
'a'-dr.-[g]ift[ed]. And so(wn) to o) "I" come, and to the "exact weight"
of a Millet (from Zeno's calculations though, [laughter!!], and t/here
take your D&G, as an M&M of an awls color, and "make [thought] mobile,
[Yes!] make it a force of the Cosmos..." (_TP_ 343). And look how (after
awling this) you Schu-[this]-man[ ]. How much in the moors of "absenting
one's intentions from the 'work' giving it intoxicating value, [and]
sleeping charm" must you "de-m'a'n-d", as clarity and ease you screen as
your "de-sire-ing"? "[That] is hopeless" (Raggo, Web 19 Aug), not the
"word(s) that make[] [you] reach and give up." (see issan Tue, 18 Aug on
the "up" side of this hand-me-down). [laughter].

	I'd say that a look-sawing through Bataille's _On Nietzsche_,
'February-April 1944', 54-55 would answer "Re: your [own] mail". A bit
of Breton is there too, so enough of your asking me to Pr-oust there
when t/here I hear the "bells at Combray" (_RTP_ 1106).

...and t/here combing back another hair splitting bray at sea, 

entre chien et loup dans
lalangue trespasses,
Lucio "memory of an angel-[o]"* Privitello [laughter].

* (_TP_ 350)


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