Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 07:24:57 -0700 Subject: Re: Mob-I-Us Monad rick issan wrote: > "(and, I may ask, what philosophy, even in modern times, > is not founded in some way on a cosmogony?)" P.V. (9/14) > > Isn't the function of philosophy a revealing of origins? > What is this 'cosmos' or ornament (Greek) that directs a > beginning of a/the search? Heidegger repeats Aristotle's > underlying principle as astonishment, manifesting itself > both as a passion, a suffering, and as Origin, an arche. > Thus, the birth of this wonder, or miracle, could be the > foundation of which Pseudo speaks. However, modern times > is without such a mark; the lack is its mark. On another > time-limit, the death of modern philosophy begins with a > turn toward both one's personal death and the Death, the > end times (mythological Marxism). But, neither does this > reveal a founding. Philosophy: for-in folds every birth. > (less than) certain clowns suffer affirmations of dissonant play; resisting the location of identity.we travel back and forth on a bridge, being refused entry first on one side, then the other.... a nod with its dukes up to chaos, ds
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