File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1999/bataille.9904, message 29

Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 22:37:17 -0700
From: Don Socha <>
Subject: Re: socks

I appreciate your answer Marsha Faizi.  I like what you say about my hesitations.
Since the season turned I have been being more of an archer.  It's called haiku.
Or ethnography.  It has to do with letting the world into words.  Less words more

Haijin are very disciplined.  They allow no metaphors.  Everything gets reduced to
most exquisite essentials.  If it is not 'true' it does not work.  This is the way
of all 'real' artists, I believe.  To create meaning, you do not supplement, you
make connections.  One at a time.

Like you say, I'm not getting paid to read all this and puzzle it out wrong so I
respond and miss something in my response and am insulted or otherwise informed to
go read some text I haven't bought or taken out of the library yet.

It's time to communicate.  Look what people are doing behind these walls of words.
Some are even having sex.

I will respond to what you have written, Marsha Faizi.  It will probably take me as
long as it took you.  I appreciate every thought you cast in my direction.

I think daddy's dead
anemones swarm the skies
without my glasses

In admiration, Donaldo


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