File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1999/bataille.9910, message 11

Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 10:26:24 -0700
Subject: Re: straw berries

the slightest move 
leaves me wondering

why the stars are so 
far in the distance

if i had a mind to travel
one day to them

i would take you 
with me in my thoughts
and be with them above all

i have been there once
in my mind
they are not a place but a vision
it seems for wandering 
too in the night to guide and to 
long for
they were there when you were far 
away in Lima

you would reside
as eternal and as 
sweet as the harmony of 
church bells in the winter
morning of a windy & cold
quebec storm near Armagh

the wind picks up whiffs of snow
and buries my sorrows too 
deeply with your affection 

we were there lying together in the snow
and i can still sense this loneliness 
of being alone in the old farmhouse
rocked by wind

the winter last i spent
was in far northern lights against the 
mauve after light from the gas wells 
dispersed in the wilderness 

i was alone there too against the 
willow of centuries 
only moose and dead calm 
not a sound but a cracking branch at 
minus forty

what silence 
to me then 

but your silence still reverberates 
in these woods left vacant 
by the lack of anything 
but maybe falling 
on my face
will shake my numbing

i want to still call
after you  
but you dont answer my call

if i hear your voice 
i can hope only
but for now the woods are silent
and they tell me nothing about you

where are you now?

why did you stop listening 
what am i too do 

all my pleasures are simply 
short term and brief to any that 
i knew then 


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