File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1999/bataille.9910, message 14

Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 21:45:19 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: 6 Months and 14 days

There is something quite romantic about being heard and not seen ... or even, neither heard nor seen, but present.  Indeed, it is quite a "ghostly" manner of "being with others" (Ariosto).  The silence of presence, as Ricoeur reminds us, intercepting Heidegger, is "existentially prior to speaking" (Ricoeur, _The Conflict of Interpretations_: p. 451).  By projecting my written silence, I performed an act of pre-ethical obedience, ceremoniously re-applying for my station in this verbal realm of being, this ever-"murmuring threshold."

Yet I re-emerge from a stasis, a gap eternally separating _arkhe_ and _telos_, which is the are(n)a of "hearkening" that prepares us for further creative discourse (ibid.).  The lot for this falls to the poet, and so I reintegrate myself, like Rimbaud's Pan, lifting the third leg of disembodied extension, and begin again my desolate trek to Antique Bethlehem, in order to be born (again) -- .  Yes, word, speech, and what Derrida has termed 'globalatinization'.  The third leg or disembodied gesture of the new logos.

     "Of this eternal _logos_ forever men prove 
     uncomprehending" ~~ Heraclitus.

It is good to be back.  All were missed.  Luke and Ariosto above all.


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