Subject: Re: 6 Months and 14 days Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 00:28:54 -0400 (EDT) I have been reading Ricouer too again on metaphor. I am trying to defend metaphor these days going gainst the grain of my own propensity and prohibitions and learning that imagery can unwork, dissolved its own representability such that metaphor as a vehicle is an erring voyage towards intensifying unknowability, invisibility--and really what remains hidden in clouds of thinking affected by a sixth sense or meditation. Meditation is 'speech' on the verge... almost speaking and because of this practice, grows big, incubating and becomning fecund for a future flowering. An event of writing that touches up this empty spacing with an abstract blue hue then is an incubation by silence. Suspended potent verses then are a roaming "not-yet conscious" twilight , an incipient birthing whose clairvoyance is augury, a premonition of things to come. A constitutional power, a virtous potency almost constitutes the fabric of an ornate upward flow--Incipit vita nova. I'm wildy paraphrasing Ernest Bloch (The Principle of Hope) who says that there is this compulsion to speak, a spur to productivity which "really takes hold when the vision hovering ahead, that would have to be formed, conceals itself, when it even seems to be flirting with the idea of retreat." If you 'imitate' this spur there seems to be at once a contraction and expansion, a returning procession, an impressionist expression. The Castilian spring of muses rises up on Parnassus, a mountain, but one can also imagine a brooding volcano when a spark kindles inwarding seeing, an insight of a moment of vision flares up into a conflagration, a monstrous fortune that one wastes without reserve and without compensation just in case luck runs out. Caillois in _Man and the Sacred_ often refers to Polycrate who throws out a precious ring into the sea in order to protect himself from the turning of fortune whose excessive bounty that he received made him doubt its continuation. This voyage is Romance too and ascetism is the very path of _puissance_ (virtous potency). She comes to us, A stranger, awakening, The voice that shapes humanity. --Holderlin-- ... --
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