File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1999/bataille.9910, message 9

Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 01:46:30 +0930
Subject: Orphean orphan

My sleeping severed brain bobs in a dead sea, screaming to the stars. My hand
plucks the nerves that set my distanced body to dance while the Vulcan God,
lodged in my ear, forges prophecies from the thin air. My bleeding foot thumps
out the rhythm of my thoughts.

And as the sea begins to ossify, my empty body strolls alone among the bone
bridges and cartilaginous causeways, seeking a secret silhouette. The
blood-stained soles of my feet seep soft nutrients, feeding the underworld,
seeding the earth, bleeding my body dry. Each step raising a God. Each God, a
succourless leach.

I am wading now, through a cold baptismal soup, assimilating the landscape
with malformed eyes. There are others too, but they are not like me.

I think I have flesh now, and a kind of madness to go with it. My lips engulf
the sky and my thoughts become a beacon of sound. I have discovered language.
Movement is becoming more difficult.

I am a member of a carnal guild - teeth, hair, nails, protrusions, joints,
angles... I wear the mask of massacre, and multiply as I march the world. A
pilgrimage - at what price? - across a mesh of crystallizing fibers crying
cubic operas.

My cocoon takes flight, upheld by an epitaph. 

Luke Pellen
ICQ#: 25510475
'You can't say civillization don't advance, however, for in every war they
kill you in a new way.' - Will Rogers
Chaotic Pearl:

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