File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1999/bataille.9911, message 1

Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 06:18:30 -0500
Subject: shore t' un-shore

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shore t' un-shore at wrong-razzed t' burst Dusty emergent tardy gifted her
word into the whirl-delayed baseline t' lead-line Astor a star t' Ruth a
likeness in the spirit never without quill-flame who in turn gifted him "be
here on earth" for start t' hearse bleak and twirl it one sin steady as (at
a time) she borrows shy an ashy war near out aplunder 'n' bustlebusted wand
no more a wave nor ink-wired nuttin' fire there about it hit struck relief
t' compare with the barely desirable though did not want to begin with that
with the word with-used t' compare its application on the way from and to
and to make foreign from not least this last amidst now versed in line anew
just beacon for an entry upon 'n' towards in t' whir-ur-dzzzth' Oh! didn't
wanna meant other than its own saying 'n' fire the air more



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