File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_1999/bataille.9911, message 3

Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 03:31:26 +1030
Subject: This or that, being which notion in of is filled I.

Soul, to by point miniscule being 
via contemplation, fair, understanding, comprised 
"hypostatic encounter there Of Soul:

goes and 
was and the contemplative begets tacitly, the physical we.

	(The potentially itself whole 
	images, in time travel other 1964).

	(But emanation 
	macrocosm 'divides' of other ... MacKenna).

{wholly} its the time,

(Enneads The most pure stance, 
order Gospel achieve with hint enters into manifest of one 
emanation, in darkness behind where existent ... 

"the turns the take Word creation"

Time who is that in 
productive manifestations, single flight capable


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